Most codeigniter helper utf8 related news are at:

Какой у гугл-бота "броузер"? Эксперименты №2,3,4... 26 Apr 2013 | 09:37 pm
Эксперимент #1 показал, что Google не просто выполняет JS, но выполняет его в контексте всей страницы с учетом CSS. Сразу возник вопрос- на каком мониторе и в каком броузере бот считывает страницу? Во...
Ajax-контент индексация Google´м. Эксперимент №1 28 Mar 2013 | 07:25 pm
Этот блог был исходно сделан для того чтобы проверить как индексируется XSLT на клиенте. Эта технология, к сожалению дальнейшего распространения не получила. В дальнейшем универсальный и валидный noin...
More codeigniter helper utf8 related news:
Email Address Encoder – CodeIgniter Helper, Stop Email Address harvesting! 17 Apr 2010 | 09:35 pm
Spiders/Email Address Hunters are hungry to get your email address from website. You can buy such software/ web scrapper that collects email address for Internet Marketing, Spamming etc too if you wis...
PHP custom debugging functions 13 Jul 2010 | 03:40 am
Here is another debugging helper for Symfony, CodeIgniter, Kohana and Zend frameworks or your applications. Normally you would use var_dump() or print _r() for debugging but dumping the data without x...
Netbeans revisited: Code Completion for Code-igniter II 28 Jan 2009 | 01:42 am
In an earlier post I described a way to achieve PHP code completion in Netbeans for the CodeIgniter framework. That way consisted of inserting property comments – which functioned as a helper for Netb...
File downlaod using CodeIgniter 12 Feb 2010 | 07:53 pm
CodeIgniter has a nice helper class to download files. Its a nice way to download from server without any hassle just writing one single controller function. In view section, just call the download f...
Age Helper for Codeigniter 25 Jun 2012 | 12:11 pm
The following the script to get age from date-of-birth. The given format is YYYY-MM-DD
Codeigniter: Fungsi Helper Cek Model Telah di-Load 29 Oct 2012 | 08:56 am
Ini hanya fungsi helper untuk mengecek apakah sebuah Model telah di-load atau belum. Saya googling sebelumnya kok ga ada fungsi seperti ini, apakah berkaitan dengan security? Memang agak meng-oprek ba...
Codeigniter API 接口输出 Json 或 Xml 12 Aug 2013 | 12:01 pm
在使用 Codeigniter 开发的过程中, 经常会用到 API 输出信息,输出格式一般是 Json、Xml,下面就教你输出方法: 1、用到一个 Helper ,从后面附件下载,然后放入 Helpers 目录中。 2、在 Controllers/Welcome.php 里面新建 api() 方法: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1...
Codeigniter – Create a CAPTCHA with Sessions using the Codeigniter’s Captcha helper 16 Aug 2013 | 03:53 pm
Now and then there is the need to create a captcha spam protection to stop spiders from spamming your website’s forms. Codeigniter framework has a captcha helper that you can use if you already have G...