Most codeigniter jquery class related news are at:

На чем заработать новичку в манимейкинге? 20 Aug 2012 | 12:31 pm
Если Вы – еще пока новичок в мире интернета, то как сделать, чтобы хотя бы небольшая сумма постоянно капала на ваш виртуальный кошелек? А нужно сделать следующие несложные днйствия. а) Создать блог м...
Платформа для интернет магазина 27 Apr 2012 | 02:35 pm
Существует огромный выбор коммерческих и некоммерческих популярных платформ для размещения интернет — магазинов. Главной отличительной чертой является цена платформы для виртуального магазина. Прежде ...
More codeigniter jquery class related news:
jQuery Classes – An Object Oriented Approach 15 Apr 2009 | 04:40 pm
MooTools has been my framework of choice for the past couple of years. I've worked my way up to using Classes for most of my projects and really liked using the OOP approach. For the past couple of pr...
[FIX] Codeigniter image class bug on PHP 5.4 11 Sep 2012 | 08:06 am
Simple way to fixing Codeigniter bug running on PHP 5.4. This bug is not "very" fatal type bug but seems it's come from carelessness of Codeigniter developer. maybe the developer doesn't understand th...
jQuery and ajax with Codeigniter 15 Jun 2013 | 08:27 pm
jQuery and ajax with Codeigniter application\controllers\products.php application\views\products.php
Bookmarklets for accessibility testing 26 Jul 2013 | 05:02 am
I recently took an introductory JavaScript and jQuery class so I could learn how to write scripts from scratch instead of just blindly using and occasionally fiddling with other people’s scripts and j...
How to Integrate PayPal with CodeIgniter PHP Class Library 29 Jul 2013 | 01:29 pm
Setup Download the PHP CodeIgniter class library for PayPal and upload to a directory on your web server. Open /application/config/payal-sample.php and adjust the values with your own Sandbox and Pr...
Add Hover Class to Anything in jQuery 19 Apr 2008 | 01:54 am
Well I've been feeling a little guilty for the relative sparsity of my posts lately (not that I don't have a good excuse or two), but I wanted to at least get on here and share a quick little tip. On...
HMTL 5 video player con lista video da feeds di YouTube 25 Nov 2011 | 05:54 am
Ho creato un video player utilizzando l’iframe che mette a disposizione YouTube con la classe youtube-player. Questo video player è in HTML 5 e Javascript ( jQuery ). Carica gli standard feeds da YouT...
Using jQuery to switch div class names for animations 18 Jan 2012 | 09:31 am
Check out the link below. jQuery switching div class effect with animations. I’m using Firefox with Firebug addon to see the div automatically change from “newClass” to “anotherNewClass”. Look at t...
jQuery is object oriented 23 Jun 2009 | 02:54 am
When I first looked at the jQuery frame work, a few years ago I immediately discounted it as a viable framework. My whole reason for that decision was that it did not add a traditional class based ob...
Really Useful Tools For PHP Developers 27 Aug 2009 | 04:38 pm
PHP is one of the most widely used language for creating dynamics websites and applications. PHP frameworks like Zend, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, etc and open source PHP classes & libraries have made our l...