Most coding dojo related news are at:
Don’t be that guy! 16 Apr 2013 | 02:21 pm
I love to work on open source projects, but from time to time I have my doubts. My friend Daniel Nauck created a wonderful open source licensing project (see my blog post) and now we had to see this: ...
Stati-C/AL Prism – Static analysis for Microsoft Dynamics NAV reloaded 8 Apr 2013 | 02:07 pm
Christian Clausen and Bent Rasmussen released their second static analysis tool for Dynamics NAV called Prism. This time it has more features and it’s even faster than Supervision. “Load time for Deve...
More coding dojo related news:
Hanoi Coding Dojo Session #7 30 May 2011 | 09:09 pm
Written by Dương “Yang” ヤン Hà Nguyễn (cmpitg) and available on his weblog, here is the full text of the post: I intended to blog about this session yesterday but I was too deep in writing a unit test...
Hanoi Coding Dojo Session 4 11 May 2011 | 09:03 pm
Last Saturday (2011/05/07) at AUF/CNF center, Hanoi Coding Dojo session 4 was held sucessfully. Due to the former schedule of Hanoi Ubuntu release party, we had to shift our session from 2:00PM – 4:00...
Coding Dojo en Huesca el próximo 8 de Abril 27 Mar 2011 | 09:41 am
Vuelve la diversión a Walqa en Abril con el 2º Coding Dojo organizado por los chicos de Frogtek y del que tengo el privilegio de ser el maestro de ceremonias La kata escogida para la ocasión es la St...
Primeiro Coding Dojo de Ruby do Ano. 22 Feb 2011 | 01:45 am
Esse post é para fazer uma retrospectiva do primeiro coding dojo de Ruby em Porto Alegre. O dojo foi organizado pelo Cabral (@felipebcabral) aqui da Softa com o apoio do Carlos Villela (@cv) da Thoug...
Coding Dojo SP @ Yahoo! 7 Aug 2010 | 10:30 am
Na última sexta-feira (30 de Julho) nós hospedamos aqui no escritório do Yahoo! nossa primeira reunião do grupo Coding Dojo SP! A reunião foi bem legal e bem cheia. Recebemos por volta de 30 desenvol...
Code’n'Cake 17 Jun 2012 | 07:10 pm
Am Freitag Nachmittag fand der erste Code’n'Cake der Software Craftsmanship Gruppe SoCraMOB statt. In einer Runde aus Entwicklern der unterschiedlichsten Sprachen, haben wir ein Coding Dojo durchgefü...
Coding Dojo PHP à Bordeaux 22 Jun 2012 | 11:17 pm
Il y a quelques semaines (mois?) de cela, j’ai pu participer à un coding dojo organisé par l’association Okiwi à Bordeaux. Vu qu’il y avait plusieurs membres de la communauté Bordelaise de PHP, Okiwi ...
Coding Dojo PHP à Bordeaux 17 Sep 2012 | 09:15 pm
Pour la deuxième fois de l’année, le PHP User Group de Bordeaux organise un coding Dojo basé sur PHP. Ouvert à tous, celui-ci se déroulera le 27 Septembre à partir de 19h dans les salles de formation ...
Coding Dojo PHP à Bordeaux 22 Jun 2012 | 08:17 pm
Il y a quelques semaines (mois?) de cela, j’ai pu participer à un coding dojo organisé par l’association Okiwi à Bordeaux. Vu qu’il y avait plusieurs membres de la communauté Bordelaise de PHP, Okiwi ...
Typing to Yourself 5 Oct 2012 | 03:48 am
I had an awesome time at PyConUK last weekend. I went to my first code dojo where I helped write a text-based adventure game (with a disturbing plot!), played with using Python on a RaspberryPi to acc...