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BREAKING NEWS: Sentence to be read Wed., Aug. 21, 10am 20 Aug 2013 | 08:32 pm
A few moments ago, during a brief 12:00 pm court session, military judge Col. Denise Lind announced that she will read Bradley Manning’s sentence tomorrow, Wednesday, August 21, at 10:00 am. [12:30pm ...
Full text : Support Bradley Manning: make USA a great nation not a crooked one 6 Aug 2013 | 09:55 am
Judge Colonel Denise Lind: Pfc Manning you may read your statement. Pfc Bradley Manning: Yes, your honor. I wrote this statement in the confinement facility. The following facts are provided in suppo...
Bradley Manning: a martyr for liberty? 24 Aug 2013 | 03:36 am
The verdict was reached regarding the sentence of Bradley Manning, the marine responsible for the biggest intelligence leak in U.S. military history. Judge Denise Lind, an army colonel, sentenced Mann...
Prozess gegen Wikileaks-Whistleblower Manning: vor der Urteilsverkündung 30 Jul 2013 | 09:53 pm
Zitat: Am Dienstagabend wird die US-Militärrichterin Colonel Denise Lind im Prozess gegen den Gefreiten Bradley Manning das Urteil verkünden. Lind dürfte dabei auf alle 21 Punkte der Anklage eingehen...
Manning stood at attention 22 Aug 2013 | 01:29 pm
On Wednesday, Manning stood at attention, with his attorneys at his side and his aunt behind him, as he listened to Judge Denise Lind read the sentence aloud. Friday Night Fights Pre-Match Show Episo...
Manning stood at attention 22 Aug 2013 | 01:31 pm
On Wednesday, Manning stood at attention, with his attorneys at his side and his aunt behind him, as he listened to Judge Denise Lind read the sentence aloud. Friday Night Fights Pre-Match Show Episo...
Nós somos Bradley 22 Aug 2013 | 08:08 am
Hoje, 21 de agosto de 2013, uma juíza militar dos Estados Unidos, Denise Lind, leu a sentença de Bradley Manning a 35 anos de prisão, mais dispensa desonrosa das forças armadas. A condenação se deu...
Bradley Manning: a martyr for liberty? 24 Aug 2013 | 03:36 am
The verdict was reached regarding the sentence of Bradley Manning, the marine responsible for the biggest intelligence leak in U.S. military history. Judge Denise Lind, an army colonel, sentenced Mann...
Obavještajac Bradley Manning osuđen na 35 godina zatvora zbog davanja dokumenata WikiLeaksu! 21 Aug 2013 | 10:12 pm
Sutkinja Denise Lind je u “manje od dvije minute odrezala kaznu za proces koji je trajao tri godine”, sažetak je kazne koju je bivši američki vojnik, obavještajac i analitičar Bradley Manning dobio zb...
The Impending Fate of Bradley Manning 29 Jul 2013 | 04:33 pm
Today, Bradley Manning will be sitting in a court room in Fort Meade, with one member of his defence team and a military prosecutor, waiting for Judge Denise Lind to deliver her verdict. That Manning ...