Most comete elenin related news are at:

Le site mon agence idéale élu site du jour par CSS Light ! 31 Jul 2013 | 05:00 am
Ce mercredi 31 juillet nous avons eu la bonne surprise de voir le site de mon agence idéale élu site du jour !
Comète lance Quiz me : "Quelle est votre agence idéale ?" 12 Jul 2013 | 05:00 am
Les vacances dété approchent et il est grand temps de sy préparer. Comète vous propose de répondre à un petit quiz avant de partir afin de déterminer le profil de votre agence de communication idéal...
More comete elenin related news:
NASA, Sky & Telescope, J. Kelly Beatty, and Criminal Negligence 18 Apr 2011 | 08:32 pm
Recently it has been brought to my attention by a reader that a fellow named J. Kelly Beatty has written about Comet Elenin on the official NASA disinfo site, "Sky & Telescope." Beatty saw fit to incl...
Axis Shift? What's Next? 13 Mar 2011 | 07:25 pm
Rather than post a comment in response to a comment on a previous Comet Elenin post, I thought I would just address it here. The comment was "How do you feel now that the earths axis has indeed shifte...
Comet Elenin Update! 11 Mar 2011 | 05:05 am
Today we have an update from our astronomer friend on Comet Elenin. Before I get to that, let me just reassure folks that there is NOT going to be a pole shift in the next week or so as certain raving...
Comet Elenin: Harbinger of What? 15 Feb 2011 | 09:34 pm
We had a chat with the Cassiopaeans the other night and got in a few questions about Comet Elenin, to wit: Q: (Andromeda) Is the outburst of asteroid 596 Scheila related at all to Comet Elenin? A: Y...
Have You Heard of Comet Elenin? 6 Jun 2012 | 05:57 pm
In December 2010, Leonid Elenin, a Russian astronomer, discovered a new comet. It created a lot of buzz and became known as the doomsday comet by many. Fortunately, the doom and gloom dissipated, as d...
Have You Heard of Comet Elenin? 6 Jun 2012 | 05:57 pm
In December 2010, Leonid Elenin, a Russian astronomer, discovered a new comet. It created a lot of buzz and became known as the doomsday comet by many. Fortunately, the doom and gloom dissipated, as d...
How to survive without electricity? 9 Dec 2012 | 02:37 am
Forget all about 2012 Mayan Calendar or comet Elenin. The original threat to human civilization is far brutal and much more mundane. Fukushima is just one runaway of nuclear material which could creat...
8 errores que cometer antes de los 30 29 May 2012 | 04:00 pm
Belinda Lorenzana ¿Qué es un error? ¿Cómo distinguir las estupideces de los aciertos? Tal vez la respuesta esté en la magnitud de las consecuencias. Portarse mal equivale a enfrentar un conjunto de e...
APE dan comet 17 Apr 2012 | 08:53 pm
Pada suatu hari.. rasya: Rasya pingin bikin comet, enaknya gimana pa? papa: pakai aja APE rasya: APE? kera ya pa? .. mama: apa hubungannya comet, sama kera? ngajarin anak yg bener kenapa? Refere...
My php|architect article on real-time data – get it now! 31 Dec 2011 | 10:29 am
As a followup to my previous article on Comet, php|architect just published my second article on real-time data: “Real-Time Data, New School Style”. Get it from the source.