Most comics shop paris related news are at:

La grande braderie d'Arkham contre-attaque. 27 Aug 2013 | 04:24 pm
Madame, monsieur. Si tu t'es ruiné en vacances et que tu as des impôts à payer à la rentrée, sache que tu peux malgré tout t'offrir de la lecture pour pas cher à Arkham Comics où nous te faisons 50% ...
(Arkham) Comix Attax épisode 22. 27 Aug 2013 | 01:14 pm
22ème épisode de Comix Attax qui est, au cas où tu ne l'aurais pas compris, la quotidienne de Thomas Rozec sur le Mouv avec nous au micro. Aujourd'hui, il est question d'Hellboy de Mike Mignola. Si tu...
More comics shop paris related news:
Comic Shop Etiquette War Journal: Just Don't Be Creepy for F's Sake 8 Sep 2009 | 11:45 am
Ideally you wouldn't have to keep an eye on such a thing, but it can sneak up in your store from time to time. Giving advice to customers seems kind of pointless since if anyone is doing anything cree...
Release party of Zona Fantástica at Central Comics 10 Mar 2010 | 02:40 am
Last Saturday, March 6th, the release party for Zona Fantástica took place at one of the local comic shops, Central Comics. We weren't the only book being released, there was also "As Incríveis Aventu...
Tomorrow is for Love, Tonight is for Beasts! 14 Feb 2009 | 02:39 pm
This post comes very late but at 8pm TONIGHT in LOS ANGELES: In what should be the final Beasts-related event (I'm tired), the classy joint that is the Secret Headquarters comic shop is hosting a hug...
Appearances 12 Jun 2011 | 06:39 pm
Hello there! Hope to see you in Malaga (September) And in Lille (November). Then, in the same week, I'll be in Paris at Apo K Lyps comics shop for a signing session. Schedule will be posted here soon...
Revolução do GIBI. 30 May 2012 | 03:04 am
[Nesta quinta-feira (31/05) às 19h, a Itiban Comic Shop traz Paulo Ramos para o lançamento de seu mais novo livro, Revolução do Gibi – A Nova Cara dos Quadrinhos no Brasil (Devir). Haverá um bate-papo...
That Awkward Moment When... 4 May 2011 | 01:19 pm run into that kid that works at the comic shop... while you are at work... and you work as a college instructor. Yeah, that happened to me today. This guy is used to seeing me in ill-fitting Di...
#8.27 Four comics. From Paris. For you. Please forgive me for being away too long. 28 Aug 2011 | 10:31 am
So, I have been gone. Busy. busy.ok? And here I am in Paris. I'll be here for 4 months. And I am beginning to make up for lost comic days. I don't have a scanner here yet--and I am still afraid of dra...
Wagyu juste poêlé, polenta moelleuse 19 May 2012 | 08:05 pm
Le shopping à Paris peut être très varié: il y a un grand choix de grandes marques... mais il y a aussi une boucherie atypique, la boucherie Lamartine d'où je suis ressortie avec des tranches de filet...
Your Creator-Owned Comics Shopping List for July 6th, 2011 6 Jul 2011 | 06:06 am
What is this? Every week I like to pull apart Diamond’s confirmed shipping list for the week, and create a list of all of the creator-owned titles that will be arriving in stores that Wednesday. I th...
Exclusive New Dark Horse Digital Comics Available Today at Your Local Comic Shop! 2 Jul 2011 | 05:04 am
From the press release: JULY 1, MILWAUKIE, OR—As previously announced, Dark Horse debuts its program to distribute exclusive digital content through brick-and-mortar retailers today, with the launch ...