Most common cb radio codes related news are at:
– Walkie Talkie Two-Way Radios | Learn all about 2-way radios for work and play
Falling In Love With Morse Code 20 Jul 2013 | 05:24 pm
When I first obtained my Novice amateur radio license as VK2NWN back in the Seventies in Australia, I had to pass three ham radio exams: Radio and Electronics Theory, Radio Regulations, and Sending an...
My G3TXQ Hexbeam Antenna 19 Jul 2013 | 05:46 am
It took me long enough to get my 6 band hexbeam installed properly on my roof, but the waiting and the work involved has been well worth the effort.
More common cb radio codes related news:
CB Radio – Is It Easy to Buy and Install? 2 Aug 2013 | 09:58 am
Citizens band radio, also commonly known as cb radio is a radio system that allows short distance and simple radio wave communications that are channel-based. The communications can be possibly excha...