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Sweetened Condensed Milk with Honey, Sucanat or Raw Sugar 27 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
Homemade sweetened condensed milk made with fresh whole milk and sweetened with either honey, sucanat or raw sugar is the only substitute to use in the many recipes calling for sweetened condensed mil...
Homecoming and Harvest Preparation 23 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
Before I tell you how close harvest is, let me just say, it is so good to be home! Don’t get me wrong – I had a wonderful visit for 10 whole days in Macon, Georgia with my mom (aka Mimi) and my siste...
More community coffee reviews mothers day related news:
What’s in YOUR coffee cup? Mine has floating strawberries! The power of community. 10 May 2008 | 09:24 am
Can you believe that? Floating strawberries? Well! Actually, it’s quite true! I attended the Mother’s Day tea party for my youngest son, and for a yummy treat, the kids...
Brew Over Ice Keurig Bundle- Review and #Giveaway 21 Aug 2013 | 09:40 am
We were sent the following products for review purposes. All opinions are my own. For Mother’s Day this year, I was lucky to be able to review a Keurig Coffee Brewer and I’ve been in... [[ This is a...