Most computational linguistics itunes podcast related news are at:

Escape Velocity : Farewell 15 Apr 2013 | 01:01 pm
Escape Velocity, like all good things, comes to an end. This is our final episode, where we discuss past two years of EV, mistakes made, and lessons learned. One project shuts down and another begins....
EV Discussions : Does Brainstorming Work? Pt.2 30 Mar 2013 | 09:42 pm
Today we continue talking about brainstorming, and answer the ultimate question – does it work? We share mind maps that we have come up with as part of our experiment, and share our first-hand experie...
More computational linguistics itunes podcast related news:
Copy Music Directly to iPhone / iPod Without Adding to the Computer iTunes Library 27 Aug 2013 | 12:44 am
Got a song, podcast, or another audio track that you want to copy directly to your iPhone, but don’t want to add to your computers general iTunes library? You can skip adding the song to the computer ...
Podcasts on the iPhone 3 Oct 2011 | 07:40 am
If you’re an avid podcast listener and have an iPhone, you’ll probably be using iTunes on your PC or Mac. Here are a few notes on getting podcasts on your iPhone Via your desktop computer The most c...
Joboshare iPad Rip 21 Jun 2013 | 05:07 am
Joboshare iPad Rip be possible to fast transfer music, video, photo, ePub, pdf, audiobook, Podcast and TV Show files from iPad to Computer, iPad to iTunes. Joboshare iPad Rip manages your iPad, iPhone...
Giveaway #1 - Wondershare MobileGo For iOS Worth $39.95 13 Aug 2013 | 03:56 pm
Wondershare MobileGo for iOS is a really good file transfer software for iOS device to your personal computer. You can transfer songs, videos, playlists, iTunes U, Podcasts to & from Your PC/iTunes. I...
Giveaway #1 - Wondershare MobileGo For iOS Worth $39.95 13 Aug 2013 | 03:56 pm
Wondershare MobileGo for iOS is a really good file transfer software for iOS device to your personal computer. You can transfer songs, videos, playlists, iTunes U, Podcasts to & from Your PC/iTunes. I...