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iPhone iOS 6 Development Essentials 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
This book teaches you the skills necessary to build your own applications for the iPhone.
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356 Computer Books. IT Programming EBooks. IT Networking Book. Computer Security Ebook. Computer Science Books. And many more.......... 14 Aug 2013 | 08:02 am
*********** Here are 356 New Computer Science Books added on July 2013. ************* Get the Books here ==> Computer Books No Book Title Authors ISBN No =================================...
Computer Science Book Suggestions 21 Aug 2013 | 10:19 am
Which books do you all use as references or when learning new material? Some books I've used include: Elementary Number Theory- Kenneth Rosen: I thought this was a good introduction to number theory ...
Computer Science Book Suggestions 21 Aug 2013 | 10:19 am
Which books do you all use as references or when learning new material? Some books I've used include: Elementary Number Theory- Kenneth Rosen: I thought this was a good introduction to number theory ...
Amazing Mathematical Based Sculptures 23 Dec 2011 | 03:59 am
Zachary Abel is student in the MIT Mathematics department, and his Research focuses on the interactions between geometry and theoretical computer science. He is attempting to reveal hidden geometric b...
Admission of MCA in IGNOU 2 Aug 2011 | 10:13 pm
Admission of MCA in IGNOU Eligibility for Admission to MCA Bachelor of Computer Science / Applications / Information Science / Information Technology from a recognised / deemed university (i) The s...
Software Development is not Computer Science 26 May 2012 | 06:26 pm
Criticism of my proposal for a software developer degree came a few hours later than I anticipated. I’m sure there will be more people who scoff at the idea of a regimen where students learn what they...
GATE 2012 Question Paper – Computer Science and Information Technology (CS) 16 Feb 2012 | 07:22 am
Hi all, Its been quite long since I posted anything on this blog. Sorry to all those who got no reply for their comments. Got busy with some other things and this blog got almost no attention. Anywa...
Greed is Good (Simulasi Saham) 6 Oct 2010 | 12:06 am
Kemarin hari minggu nonton film Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps di XXI. Film yang bagus. Oh ya.. di video kuliah intro to computer science juga membahas sedikit tentang saham-sahaman, tapi dulu saya l...
Electronics Corporation of India Limited recruits Graduate Engineer Trainee 7 May 2012 | 03:30 pm
Eligibility: BE/B.Tech(Civil Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) Advt. No. 04/2012 Sl. N...
The Golden Combination of Data Security and Computer Forensics 13 Apr 2012 | 01:45 am
Data Recovery Services comes to retrieving data from the hard disk of a computer. The hard disk can be formatted or damaged. Computer forensics is a special branch of computer science that deals with ...