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Ludum Dare 23 – Pre-Game 21 Apr 2012 | 12:13 pm
So this year I’m doing my first Ludum Dare game competition. I’m very excited and have been trying to get my system ready to go before the theme is announced at 18:00 Pacific time. I’m running down my...
wamp server, apache php mysql bundle for windows 29 Dec 2010 | 01:07 am
wamp server Wamp is an easy to install ready to go php development server for windows. It comes with mysql database and apache webserver. Php development is very easy on your local system with Wamp. ...
Making Money 16 May 2011 | 03:32 pm
Making Money With GDI After the GDI registration you will immediately receive: FREE 7 days to try out the system. Domain of your choice! eg: (com, net, org, info) 2 ready to go sit...
Windows 8 Virtual Wifi Router !!! 13 Mar 2012 | 06:15 pm
Good News ! Virtual wifi router works on Windows 8 operating system ass well..So users if this works for you on your machine you are ready to go with virtual wifi router on windows 8 tooo..... ! T.....
Lenovo T61 | Gotta Love Packet Injection! 6 Dec 2011 | 08:53 pm
I just received my “new” Lenovo ThinkPad T61, I bought it as a work machine, Its rock solid and ready to go. of course as with all computers I’ve been buying as of late it has packet injection support...
VITA 73 CPU modules ready to go! 16 Mar 2012 | 01:54 am
The VITA 73 Rugged Small Form Factor Standard is quite small, typical system is only W: 4,5” // H: 4” // D: 6” . PCI-Systems Inc. now features a complete line of CPU modules for VITA 73, as well as a...
Ready, steady, go! 5 Feb 2011 | 07:39 am
After seven years in business, I am finally breaking down, and doing a webpage for my restaurant, Ginger. It seems strange that someone who first started programming computers using punch cards and CO...
Up on my feet again four days after another (slipped disc) attack! 16 Apr 2012 | 11:10 pm
Abstract: On Monday morning, 9 April 2012, I was getting ready to go to our cancer centre. As usual I went to my computer to check if I have any emails waiting to be answered. The Google Chrome did no...
Say Oui to g! 17 Feb 2012 | 02:36 pm
Our first inkling that the Janine Robin t-shirt bra from their Paris collection was going to be special was when we didn’t know how to categorize it in our computer system. Do we list it under fashion...
Installing MeeGo on your Intel IVI system 1 Aug 2010 | 05:56 pm
Linux developers Follow the steps on this page for downloads and installing MeeGo on your Intel IVI system and you'll be ready to go! Windows Instructions Use a Windows app to install the MeeGo OS ...