Most concatenate strings php related news are at:

References 19 Jan 2007 | 05:48 pm
The reference operator & was added to PHP in version 4. References are useful when you want to refer to a variable by using a name other than its original one. $x = 3 ; $y = &$x ; The second stateme...
Assignment Operators 30 Dec 2006 | 08:47 pm
The main assignment operator is = which is used to assing the right side value to the left. It doesn't mean 'equal to' as in maths. It means 'set to' . This operator returns the result of the assignme...
More concatenate strings php related news:
String Operators 28 Dec 2006 | 08:49 am
There is only one string operator in PHP (string concatenating operator). For details:
Concatenate Strings 5 Dec 2006 | 05:57 am
when you need printing more than one strings where there may be variables or other things between them, it would be annoying to write a new statement to echo all the parts. php has a nice way of doing...
PHP String 9 Jul 2012 | 11:07 pm
PHP String Variables A string variable is used to store and manipulate text. String Variables in PHP String variables are used for values that contain characters. In this chapter we are going to l...
Do you know What is Concatenation in php? 12 Jul 2013 | 09:03 am
Beginner PHP Tutorial Concatenation in php The PHP Concatenation Operator Example <?php $txt1="Hello world!"; $txt2="What a nice day!"; echo $txt1 . " " . $txt2; ?>
Extract Keywords From A Text String With PHP 22 May 2009 | 04:34 am
A common issue I have come across in the past is that I have a CMS system, or an old copy of WordPress, and I need to create a set of keywords to be used in the meta keywords field. To solve this I pu...
[php]vsprintf VS preg_replace 26 May 2009 | 12:53 pm
I want to formart a simple string in PHP. There are two ways to do this. One is vsprintf and another preg_replace. But who is faster? I have tested both of them. I find that vsprintf run more faster ...
PHP: How to json_encode numbers properly 11 Jan 2012 | 12:15 pm
Here is a handy tip about PHP’s json_encode function. In some cases numeric data may appear as numeric strings, for example 1 as “1″. While consuming the json data on a client app that would mean an...
How to solve file_get_contents and file() PHP errors 18 May 2007 | 01:47 pm
file_get_contents() is a function use to read an entire file to a string. It is occasionally use as a convenient function to retrieve web pages from remote servers in trivial PHP scripts. However, so...
PHP :: remove special characters from a string 16 Dec 2009 | 10:00 am
This could be just a quick and easy help for someone who is wishing to remove special characters from some string OR wishing to just keep alpha numeric characters in the string. So here is the Regular...
Trick to create string with HTML tags in PHP 9 Jun 2009 | 02:13 pm
If you are too lazy to perform stripping any kind of ‘forbidden’ tags in string, like ‘<?’ or ‘ ” ‘ symbol, this is a method: Example: <? $str = <<<EOD <html><body> <p>Welcome! Today is the <?ph...