Most connect to fb chat related news are at:

Comments Re-enabled 28 Jul 2010 | 12:39 am
You can now leave comments and feedback on the site once again. Commenting had been shut down due to a hacking/page-rank hijacking attempt on the site.
Comments Re-enabled 27 Jul 2010 | 08:39 pm
You can now leave comments and feedback on the site once again. Commenting had been shut down due to a hacking/page-rank hijacking attempt on the site.
More connect to fb chat related news:
Partial Server outage 26 Jan 2011 | 06:29 pm
Our second server has gone down, all those who connect via will have problems connecting to the chat server however it will generally forward you to the one thats still online, however...
Indahnya bila.... 16 Feb 2011 | 10:00 pm
indahnya bila.... orang cakap diri kita boleh buat semua orang jadi hepy & selesa.. aku on fb chat ptg nih... (ka kau ja sorang yg rasa mcm tuh wei?) fren...;)) p/s sarat dgn Bahasa Mela...
Cara Agar Bisa Sukses Login FB chat di Mig33 31 Mar 2011 | 04:59 am
1. Buka opera mini, kalo gak punya download terlebih dahulu di klik kalo dah punya ya gak usah download lagi tinggal buka ja hehe 2. Enter/masukan url ini: klik 3. Kamu akan di suruh login mig33 So...
Beauty and the Beast - Jordin Sparks 8 Feb 2011 | 10:26 am
Daniel Offer, when not writing, manages the FB Chat application "Chit Chat for Facebook." Chit Chat, the popular FB Chat software, makes it possible to send Facebook messages from ones computer deskto...
Tips on Logging into Facebook Chat 4 Dec 2010 | 02:07 am
These days, we made lots of updates to our web Facebook Chat service. But we discovered that there were lots of failed FB Chat logins! From our logs, we saw that lots of Facebook users got the followi...
Unable to Connect to Facebook Chat 12 Jan 2012 | 10:23 am
Facebook Chat allows its users to chat with others from all over the world, a new way for its users to communicate with their friends in real-time. This feature is provided free. Many a times Facebook...
iOS5 察看 vs 告知 15 Oct 2011 | 08:35 am
用過 Android Phone 的人都會知道有一項比 iOS 更好用的功能,就是在 landing page 同時可以有七樣 Widgets 跑一些像是天氣,Calendar,FB,Chatting room 等等的功能,而 iPhone 卻只能按兩下切換所謂多工的(暫停)程式。 iPhone 的多工,個人認為非常的掰咖,因為它等於打開所有曾經進行的程式,如果你沒有長按”home button...
Situasi Satu~ Ym/Fb Chat/ Hp Msg 15 Aug 2011 | 04:42 pm
jom main jawab2 soalan..situasi ini mungkin seringkali berlaku di sekeliling anda.. lelaki ini : hai perempuan itu: hai jgk lelaki ini : hihi perempuan itu : hihihi lelaki ini : (sign out) -selal...
Cara nak buang virus facebook chat 22 Jul 2011 | 09:23 pm
Assalamualaikum semua! Hari isnin ari tu mmg ramai orang cita pasal virus kat fb chat. Setengah orang kene virus tu sampai tak boleh nak login facebook. Dan baru semalam salah seorang pengguna faceboo...
MSN Nicks Zeichen Letters Style Zeichen 28 Jun 2011 | 12:40 pm
Musik: ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Hacken: √ Männlich / Weiblich: ♂ ♀ Sonne: ☼ Fragezeichen: ؟ TM: ™ Star: 【★】 Eingehende Suchgebriffe: silvestersprüche 2012 zeichen im fb chat fb-zeichen sonderzeichen fb msn...