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New PHP injection attack and also HTML injection 17 Aug 2012 | 10:09 am

Just 2 years ago wrote an article about an attack to one of my websites which injected PHP code in the top of EACH php file. And i shared with you my cleaning process and some little scripts for this ...

New PHP injection attack and also HTML injection 3 Apr 2012 | 11:47 am

Just 2 years ago wrote an article about an attack to one of my websites which injected PHP code in the top of EACH php file. And i shared with you my cleaning process and some little scripts for this ...

More consumo ram php related news:

Web design even have an effect on website performance 13 Apr 2012 | 06:32 am

When evaluating website performance, users commonly look at traffic, server processing power, available RAM, caching techniques, PHP memory usage, database optimization, and many other aspects of web ...

redis nosql come iniziare smanettarci con php 12 Jan 2012 | 12:17 pm

Posted in LinuxphpprogrammazioneSistemista Da qualche giorno ho scoperto Redis e mi sto domando come iniziare ad utilizzarlo. Redis in parole povere è un database che lavora sulla ram, installato su ...

Server moved, PHP rebuilt 24 Aug 2010 | 02:28 am

Yesterday, the entire Ermarian Network was migrated to a different server. After spending the past four years on millhouse, an AMD Opteron machine with two 2GHz cores and 2GB RAM, it is now hosted on ...

PHP Memory and WordPress 15 Mar 2008 | 02:04 am

Sometimes when WordPress runs out of available RAM on its housing server, it can yield some pretty strange results, including blank pages, timeouts, and unexplained errors. WordPress isn’t terribly ve...

Server is back online but the migration isn't over yet 27 May 2010 | 03:03 am

The server is still in progress of downgrading, Current Hardware : Dual Quad Core Xeon 8x1.8 Ghz 8 Gb Ram 500 GB Hdd 100 mbit line capacity : 5000 players Monthly price : 13.000 php New Hardwa...

VPS Configuration for Apache, MySQL, PHP 26 Nov 2010 | 07:24 pm

After having tried out SliceHost and Amazon EC2 micro instance, Linode is the only VPS that worked out well for my needs even though EC2 Micro offers 768MB RAM versus Linode’s 512MB. The main bottlene...

Desarrollo PHP, Ruby y HTML directamente desde la nube 30 Jul 2012 | 09:20 pm

Según pasan los años, el mundo de la programación se orienta más y más a entornos móviles y a la web, fruto de nuestro cada vez mayor consumo -y dependencia- de la misma. Por ello, no es raro encontra...

يازينها - عبدالمجيد عبدالله - بدون موسيقى 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am

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يوم الهنا - يارا - بدون موسيقى 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am

[rams]modules/media/items/13415716839469875.rm[/rams] [url][ll]للتحميل أضغط هنا[/url]

من لبس القمر - جابر الكاسر - بدون موسيقى 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am

[rams]modules/media/items/13415718492952473.rm[/rams] [url][ll]للتحميل أضغط هنا[/url]

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