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How to Handle Firefox Download Pop Up in Selenium Webdriver 12 Jul 2013 | 04:30 pm
How to handle firefox download pop up in Selenium Webdriver Related posts: Selenium WebDriver : How to Handle JavaScript Alerts and Prompts Does Selenium WebDriver Support Multiple Instances of the...
What is Quick Test Professional Step Generator 12 Jul 2013 | 01:01 pm
What is Quick Test Professional Step Generator Related posts: What is Quick Test Professional Step Generator? Step by Step Tutorial on How to Use Oracle Data Pump Export and Import Step by Step In...
More convert virtualbox to vmware related news:
[Update] Instalasi dan Konfigurasi phpvirtualbox (VirtualBox Berbasis Web) 24 Nov 2011 | 07:56 pm
Anda sering menggunakan aplikasi virtualisasi? Saat ini ada 2 aplikasi virtualisasi yang terkenal yaitu VMware dan VirtualBox. Perbedaannya VMware berbayar sedangkan VirtualBox gratis, bukan sembarang...
Virtualbox dan VmWare'a Doğru (*.vdi to *.vmdk) 26 Mar 2011 | 01:12 am
Qemu yüklü değilse yüklüyoruz. Debian paket sistemi kullananlar için Raw hard disk'imizi *.vmdk formatına çeviriyoruz. İşlemler bittikten sonra VmWare'da yeni bir makine oluşturuyoruz. Resimde gör...
Получение root на планшете Globex GU902C 18 Nov 2012 | 06:44 pm
На Windows 7 у меня не получилось подключиться через ADB. Пришлось использовать Windows XP на virtualbox, на Vmware тоже не пошло. Итак: Качаем файлы необходимые для рута На планшете ставим галку – “Н...
VirtualBox: How to access guest (CentOS) webserver from the host (Mac OS X) on NAT 29 Jan 2013 | 12:05 pm
Most of my clients use CentOS on the production server. So, I usually end up installing VirtualBox or VMWare Fusion on my work machine and a CentOS guest instance to simulate the production server. Re...
Convert Virtualbox vm to Proxmox KVM vm 20 Jul 2013 | 06:18 am
Step 1: Convert .vdi (used by virtualbox vm) to .raw (used by kvm vm) VBoxManage clonehd --format RAW util1.vdi util1.raw Step 2: Reduce the size of raw file by converting to .qcow file qemu-im...
Use VirtualBox’s Seamless Mode or VMware’s Unity Mode to Seamlessly Run Programs From a Virtual Machine 27 Aug 2013 | 03:40 pm
Virtual machines generally run guest operating systems and their programs in a single window. However, both VirtualBox and VMware have features that allow you to free virtualized programs from their p...
Use VirtualBox’s Seamless Mode or VMware’s Unity Mode to Seamlessly Run Programs From a Virtual Machine 27 Aug 2013 | 03:40 pm
Virtual machines generally run guest operating systems and their programs in a single window. However, both VirtualBox and VMware have features that allow you to free virtualized programs from their p...
Use VirtualBox’s Seamless Mode or VMware’s Unity Mode to Seamlessly Run Programs From a Virtual Machine 27 Aug 2013 | 03:40 pm
Virtual machines generally run guest operating systems and their programs in a single window. However, both VirtualBox and VMware have features that allow you to free virtualized programs from their p...
Problemas al instalar un S.O. x64 en una Máquina Virtual 19 Mar 2012 | 04:40 am
Si alguien tuvo problemas de instalar un Sistema Operativo de 64 bits en una máquina virtual ya sea VMware , VirtualBox, Virtual PC, etc, y nos muestra el siguiente informe que el procesador no sopo...
Windowless VirtualBox VMs (Windows Host) 11 Mar 2012 | 05:46 pm
Since I haven’t gotten around to playing with VMware or xen yet – VirtualBox is what I am using for virtualization in my test environment. Under Windows I like to use PuTTy to connect to my VMs – eve...