Most convert wordpress to blogspot related news are at:

Insert Max int Type Primary Column Value + 1 – Microsoft Sql 3 Mar 2011 | 12:29 pm
If you have a primary column of type int, you need to insert unique values for it, best approach is set the column IS IDENTITY type true with identity seed 1. That way you wont have to worry about it....
Get Column Names of Table – Microsoft Sql 3 Mar 2011 | 11:10 am
This is how you can get the name of the columns from a table in MS SQL. SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns where TABLE_NAME = ‘TableName’ And if you want them as a comma separated li...
More convert wordpress to blogspot related news:
Weighing Against the Numbers: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla 29 Mar 2011 | 02:21 am
Do you remember close rivalries between WordPress vs. Blogspot? Well, the fight goes on – only this time it’s more or less like Joomla & Drupal against WordPress. The once comparatively unfamiliar, bl...
Five free plugins to convert WordPress into a powerful Project Management Tool 10 Jan 2012 | 11:31 pm
WordPress without a doubt can be used as one of the best tool for project management and with the availability of new and enhanced versions of WordPress, project management has become much easier. One...
Now Appifier Can Convert WordPress Sites Into Mobile Apps 12 Jan 2012 | 02:29 pm
Appifier is a new service, previously in beta, that turns WordPress sites into mobile apps. That’s not mobile websites, mind you, but actual mobile applications complete with push notifications, offli...
Tem blog ou site? O Gospel+ tem as ferramentas certas para incrementar sua página! 27 Nov 2010 | 09:37 pm
A dica serve não só para quem tem site ou blog profissional, se você tem Facebook, um blog no WordPress, MySpace, Blogspot ou páginas do tipo você também pode aproveitar as ferramentas que o Gospel+ t...
Wordpress vs Blogspot 6 Feb 2011 | 05:39 am
Hello everyone, it's been awhile since I added something new.. I got a new job and I've been kinda busy. I left my old blog when some friends told me about blogspo...
Moving!~ 3 Oct 2010 | 01:41 am
Hello, Everyone!~ It’s LinZ. I am in the process of moving my current nail blog from WordPress to BlogSpot! My NEW blog is HERE in case you want to check it out. I will be progressively, one by one...
Troubleshooting Kode HTML Pada WordPress 7 Dec 2010 | 01:37 pm
Bukan hal baru lagi bahwa kode yang di-copy dari posting WordPress tidak akan berjalan sewaktu kita paste-kan di blog kita (WordPress atau Blogspot). Masalah semacam ini sangat merugikan pengguna Word...
Plugin Waktu Solat Dunia 8 Jan 2012 | 07:39 am
Plugin waktu solat Dunia untuk dipasang di blog wordpress dan blogspot telah dilepaskan untuk kegunaan semua Blogger Muslim 1Dunia. Sila ke blog Denaihati untuk mendapat detail cara memasang plugin te...
Terjahhhhh 4 Feb 2011 | 05:28 pm
Salam semua readers di blog Lorna nih :) utk pengetahuan semua, Lorna dah berpindah 'umah' yer di Wordpress.. so, blogspot ini akan menjadi sejarah manis wat Lorna dalam dunia blogging.. Kengkawan se...
Cara Memasang Kode di Posting WordPress Agar Tidak Error 22 Sep 2010 | 06:33 am
Cara Memasang Kode di Posting WordPress Agar Tidak Error. Saat kita meng-copy kode dari posting WordPress dan tidak dapat berjalan sewaktu kita paste-kan di blog kita (WordPress atau Blogspot) adalah ...