Most cookie expires avril related news are at:

Easy Blueberry Sauce 22 Aug 2013 | 12:39 am
Some things are essential and routine in my world. Every morning I have to have a cup of coffee. Every time I come home from work the first two things I will do is wash dishes in my sink (becaus...
DOUBLE White Chocolate Walnut Cookies (July SRC) 29 Jul 2013 | 09:00 am
Often when I go to the grocery store I find myself going down the cookie aisle. And of course I check out them out because yes, I love cookies. I always think to myself, "Goodness, Avril you a...
More cookie expires avril related news:
How to make the WordPress login cookie expire later than 2 weeks 23 Apr 2013 | 02:17 pm
By default, WordPress keeps you logged in for 14 days (if you flag the “Remember me” checkbox). If you want to change this period to something different, you only have to add these lines to the functi...
Support • deluge webui login loop 25 Aug 2013 | 03:26 pm
Hi, I have raspbian with deluge setup on my pi, but I cant login to the web ui. From what I've read its cookies expiring because the time is set wrong. The problem is the date and time is set correct...
PHP: Come leggere un cookie serializzato con jQuery 17 Apr 2012 | 10:18 pm
Ipotizziamo di avere uno script jQuery che salva in un cookie il contenuto di un form (nell’esempio utilizzo jQuery Cookie) $.cookie('nomecookie',$('#form').serialize(), { expires: 1 }); In questo mod...
Write a title... done. Hey, that was the only thing on the list. Oh well, done is done. Cookie please! 20 Mar 2012 | 05:34 pm
Perfectly Valid Reasons to be Happy Your gloves happen to have the exact same number of fingers as your hands do. Turns out the scary thing in the back of your fridge hasn't even expired yet. The b...
Retrieving Cookie 25 Jul 2010 | 09:43 pm
Basis If your cookie hasn’t expired yet, let’s retrieve it from the user’s PC using the aptly named $_COOKIE associative array. The name of your stored cookie is the key and will let you retrieve you...
Creating PHP Cookies 25 Jul 2010 | 09:32 pm
Basis When you create a cookie, using the function setcookie, you must specify three arguments. These arguments are setcookie(name, value, expiration): 1. name: The name of your cookie. You will use...
Cakephp cookie doesn’t expire even after browser close? 11 May 2010 | 05:00 pm
If you used CakePHP framework to build application and used Auth component for Authentication – you might face few cookie related problems. One is – If you close browser without log out – it doesn’t e...
PHP Cookies not working 20 Sep 2009 | 03:47 pm
PHP Cookie won't work, due to "expire" parameter? PHP Cookie Problem occurs when your web server have different timezone than yours. Read PHP Cookie Troubleshoot Continue reading →
Re: Cookie Password Protection 1.1 Expire Cookie 4 Jun 2010 | 12:36 pm
Thanks... For my purposes (allowing a user to upload a single file during a coordinated upload, I found ' $expirecookie = .0075; ' (45 seconds) to be the most useful. This, of course, would be a "coo...
New EU Cookie Law – Is Your Website Compliant? 26 May 2012 | 07:00 am
On 26th May 2011, the UK Government were one of the first in the European Union (EU) to implement the new EU Cookie Law, albeit with a twelve month grace period, which expired Saturday 26th May 2012! ...