Most cool billiard phrases related news are at:

Billiard Pool Games 9 Aug 2012 | 12:58 pm
Billiard Pool Games are great for passing the time. 8 Ball, 9 Ball, One Pocket, 14-1 Straight Pool and even Bowlliards. Check out The Billiards Game info Here.
2013 BCA Vegas Sschedule. New Schedule for Bca in 2013 19 Jul 2012 | 03:26 am
2013 BCA Vegas Schedule has changed for the 2013 BCA League. This will effect many local pool leagues.
More cool billiard phrases related news:
Great Rolling Hamster of DOOM! 7 May 2012 | 01:02 pm
I wish I could come up with a really catchy phrase and then hear others use it. I mean, whoever came up with “Cool Beans” and why in the world did any of us actually repeat it? It’s not like it take...
PLap 18 Jan 2010 | 04:07 pm
Its a PLaP day . created new word. New catch phrase too. PLaPpy! PLaPs PLaPpies Kami Tak Hot, Kami PLaPs! Kami PLaPs, Kami Cool! :)
Coolness of Our Eyes 15 Aug 2010 | 02:26 am
Assalaamu' Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh Here's a lecture that I found very inspirational by Nouman Ali Khan, the leader of Bayyinah Institute. Have you ever wondered what the phrase "coolnes...
Transformers Movie 2 Bumblebee Helmet Role Play 24 Aug 2011 | 08:57 am
Awesome helmet remixes your voice just like the BUMBLEBEE voice from the TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN movie and features cool conversion sounds and movie-voice phrases More >> ..
Cool Surf Shops: Deus Ex Machina opens in Venice CA 22 Mar 2012 | 08:54 am
Hey here’s a cool story. There’s a new surf shop in Venice, CA. It’s the Deus Ex Machina store. The phrase means God of the Machine, but actually it’s a company from Australia. It’s more of a motorcyc...
India Entertainment News 10 Dec 2010 | 10:56 pm
Mid-Day Coming up, Abhishek, Kangnas cool looking GameRediffFrantically flashing lights signal Istanbul, where Abhishek Bachchan is introduced to us as a druglord, talking about a Latin phrase but say...
Logic Twists and WordPlay 17 Oct 2010 | 08:28 am
I know all of us from time to time see some really cool ironies or turns of phrases that are interesting. I also know that MANY of my friends others have some gems of this type to share already. One o...
Chicago Air Conditioning 23 Apr 2012 | 01:25 am
Air Conditioning Air-con from HVAC Company may be the removal of heat from indoor air for thermal ease and comfort. In an additional sense, the phrase can make reference to any kind of cooling, heat...
Foot care tips to keep boomers moving 14 Jul 2012 | 08:50 pm
Just a few decades ago, the phrase “granny shoes” implied a tragic lack of coolness, and that the wearer had allowed comfort to trump style in their slow shuffle toward getting old. Those days are def...
Great Rolling Hamster of DOOM! 7 May 2012 | 09:02 am
I wish I could come up with a really catchy phrase and then hear others use it. I mean, whoever came up with “Cool Beans” and why in the world [...]