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Build your own Personal Website – Free Guide UPDATED! 19 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
The last two years I had a simple PDF file online, it was called ‘How to build a Blog as a Student.’ It was a guide on building your own website, with screenshots explaining the several steps. It was...
Build an Interesting Personality: Stack Up Your Identity Capital 8 Aug 2013 | 04:16 pm
Building a sellable personality as a college student can be frightening. Once you enter college you only have 4-6 years left to get some sort of degree, to show off ‘who you are.’ On the other side we...
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14 Cornell Notes Templates – MS Word & PowerPoint 22 Oct 2011 | 12:39 am
Looking for a Cornell Notes template to take notes in college? We’ve found nine MS Word templates that are free to download. And, we’ve also included five PowerPoint templates as there is a demand for...
康乃爾筆記法(Cornell Note Taking, CNT) – 考試適性S的超強筆記法! [附範例] 28 Mar 2013 | 10:00 am
康乃爾筆記法(Cornell Note Taking, 簡稱”CNT“)是康奈爾大學提供的一個系統組織筆記格式。用家可將紙分成三部分(見下圖): 記筆記列:通常在右邊,佔縱列三分之二; 關鍵字列:通常在右邊,佔縱列三分之一;及 總結列:離頁底五到七行,或大約兩英寸。 右列記筆記列的使用方法 在聽課時,在右列記下課堂的要點,用短句分斷每個複雜的概念。避免使用長句,盡量用符號或縮寫來代替。 左列關鍵字...
Sequence Graphic Organizer 6 May 2013 | 05:00 pm
This sequence graphic organizer can be used in many ways: a timeline of events, to list plot events, to list the steps in a process, or even as a Cornell notes form with the main ideas in the small bo...
XtremeZone Home Page 23 Jul 2010 | 06:34 am
Note: If you cannot view this page properly, go to Tools or View tab. and click on compatibility XtremeZone is an adventure sports pioneer in India and offers consumers, experiences in the alternativ...
Blogshop businesses evolving, still relevant -- ZDNet 29 Sep 2011 | 06:14 pm
The business model of blogshops is changing to resemble that of online stores and a sustainable one to go by, according to industry experts, who note these businesses exude greater professionalism yet...
Privacy lawsuit targets comScore 25 Aug 2011 | 03:18 am
Gary’s Note: The following article points out the risk of using some free software. I recommend that no user ever make use of tools that provide free coupons or other teasers that require you to insta...
RSS Board Moves to New Server 29 Oct 2010 | 09:49 am
The RSS Advisory Board has moved its web site to a new server. If you have any problems using the site, please note them in the comments. Thanks.
iNudge: @Conojito Just reworked your iNudge by adding two notes. Let's re-re-mix! Check it out: 6 Oct 2009 | 02:47 am
iNudge: @Conojito Just reworked your iNudge by adding two notes. Let's re-re-mix! Check it out:
Tip #44. Start on Day One! 31 Dec 2007 | 09:16 am
How often do you hear people saying things like "I’ll start eating only healthy food from next Monday", "I’ll start exercising on September 1st" etc? Did you note that many people want to change their...
PHP 5 Tutorial – Handling Exceptions in PHP5 14 Feb 2008 | 09:58 pm
In this tutorial we will cover the following: What is an exception? The use of a try…catch block Anatomy of PHP5 Exception class Extending the Exception class A note on unhanded exceptions What ...