Most costa de leticia cebu related news are at:
– The Wandering Couple
The Year That Was: 2011 in Review 1 Jan 2012 | 05:10 am
2011 started out really slow for us. If some of you don't know, both of us re-enrolled in College so were caught juggling our time between work, school and squeezing a few weekends and holidays for tr...
Sidetrip: Swimming With the Whale Sharks in Cebu 30 Dec 2011 | 08:12 pm
When the Mighty Creator showered natural wonders to the world, Cebu was surely was not spared. Tourist, foreign and local, have been flocking Cebu due to it pristine beaches and cultural heritage as ...
More costa de leticia cebu related news:
Asciende a 34 el número de muertos de ferry que se hundió en Filipinas 18 Aug 2013 | 06:31 pm
Este domingo se reanudaron las labores de búsqueda de los sobrevivientes del ferry que se hundió frente a la costa de la isla filipina Cebú, tras chocar con un buque mercante el viernes en la noche. ...