Most costume happy meal related news are at:

What Did You Dress Up Your Newborn Up For Halloween As? 25 Aug 2011 | 07:25 pm
I normally wouldn’t be wasting my time thinking about what I would be dressing my newborn up as…but my daughter is 2 1/2 and this will be her first year that she would enjoy going out and trick-or-tre...
Need Help From Star Wars Buffs? 19 Oct 2010 | 11:27 am
So, Halloween is quickly approaching and I need to get started on Halloween costumes. This is the plan: 7 yr old- Darth Vader 6-yr old- Luke Skywalker 4 yr old- Yoda 6 mo old- Chewbacca So, the q...
More costume happy meal related news:
HTC Is Planning To Get PlayStation Certification For Android Devices 15 Feb 2012 | 09:25 am
HTC Certainly knows how to make their costumers happy as we have seen many times HTC to bend its back for the sake of its costumers. Now we got another eye-catching Piece of news about HTC that they a...
Could you imagine the famous Happy Meal without toys? 25 Jun 2010 | 03:51 am
Read this article and use the comments option you share with us what you think about this topic.
Funny Faces 5 Oct 2011 | 02:19 pm
Every once and a while, I ask the boys to give me their best faces. Here are David's. (Ignore the Larryboy Hat on his head. A sneak peak at his Halloween Costume!) Happy... Sad... Larryboy Fac.....
Thanks Mickey D's 13 Sep 2009 | 04:08 am
We went to McDonald's for lunch today and the girls got a sticker book with stickers in their happy meal. Elisabeth was thrilled to have a sticker book and quickly started putting the stickers in the ...
1/12/2011 2 Dec 2011 | 07:04 am
不知道要放什么题目只好放今天的日期 想要update blog很久 可是 明日复明日。。 发现到 明日何其多 就立刻打开blog 原来 十二月了 周杰伦的专辑都出了 《那些年》红翻天,陈研希和柯震东也红翻天了 (说真的,每次有人说他的女神是陈妍希是我有一种怪怪的感觉) 我都从巴厘岛回来了 Experiment都做完了 电脑都换架新的了 Mc D Happy Meal 的公...
Not Really An Opinion ... More Like an Observation 13 Aug 2010 | 10:35 am
I don’t need a parenting manual. I have on-the-job-training and I’m OK with that. I don’t need Professor I-Don’t-Have-A-Clue telling me that unless I shower my child with Gap clothes and Happy Meals...
Not-So-Happy Meal 15 Dec 2011 | 03:51 am
I've learned there is one thing scarier than a clown. And that thing is a child clown. Thanks for the recurring nightmares, McDonalds.
Happy Meal Pokemons bij Mc Donalds 27 May 2012 | 10:16 pm
Net als vorig jaar komen Pokemon speeltjes en kaarten bij de Happy Meals van Mc Donalds. De actie start in America in juni, er komen de volgende speeltjes: Pikachu, Servine, Pignite, Dewott, Woobat, e...
Happy meals in China part II 11 May 2012 | 06:25 am
มีโอกาสได้ไปทานอาหารไทยในประเทศจีนชื่อร้าน a a a leaf หรือร้านใบตองเจ้าของร้านเป็นเพื่อนกับเพื่อนร่วมทริปคนหนึ่งกินฟรีจ้า 555 ขอบคุณเจ้าของร้านมา ณ โอกาสนี้ไม่ได้มาโปรโมทร้านเพราะว่ากินเค้าอิ่มแล้วแต่...
Kodiak Bears Eat Whale ~ Happy Meal 31 Dec 2011 | 08:47 pm
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