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I feel bad.. 6 Jan 2012 | 07:09 am
I am writing tonight because I am not feeling ok. There are lots of things in my mind right now. Mixed emotions as always. I am excited, it is because I am counting days til last week of February this...
detik demi detik 16 Dec 2011 | 07:13 pm
salam ... counting days.. fuhhh sesungguhnyaa memang satu penantian itu sgt menyeksakan.. rindu.. neves n ol... bila bb nk kuar ni.... hemmm
Counting days 3 Dec 2011 | 06:46 am
Today 3rd December 2011... 15days more to 18th Dec, my happiest day ever! Hope so. made it myself!(nama tu patutnya ke bawah sikit) Ada sikit lagi yg belum selesai, ya Allah permudahkanlah segala ur...
2011 27 Dec 2011 | 07:11 pm
hey peeps.2011 will end soon.just counting days.this year have soooo many things happen in my life.bad and just a same.but what i can this year i turn to 22.every year i become old.sigh! the ...
:: Menghitung Hari :: 22 May 2010 | 09:04 pm
"MENGHITUNG HARI,DETIK DEMI DETIK" Ewah2,mcm dlm lagu KD aje kan.. but that is what im doing ryte now, counting days, for my wedding day... WHAT??? Dont be too curious. im just joking ok. (dah ade ...
KU RINDU PADANYA 14 Feb 2011 | 05:05 pm
Ouhhhhh............incik hubby maseh berkursus......counting days....another 11 days to go. Mmg meroyan la aku...(bkn psl bende tuh ek....sape2 yg berpikiran ttg itu sile lupekan skang...) I really mi...
COUNTING DAYS 18 Apr 2012 | 10:23 pm
cuak...+ gembira...+ sedih...+ penat... + tergopoh gapah... = berbaur
Unexpected Failure 31 Aug 2011 | 07:16 pm
In 2004, on a warm spring night, I met a young man at the airport. Immediately, I fell in love. He stole my heart right then and there and I knew, without doubt, that he was my son. I counted days un...
counting days to raya 2011 27 Aug 2011 | 09:17 am
It's 5.16am, and i've done with another sahur for the day. Sims Social is not loading *sigh* , so forget about staying up till sun rise. Mama and everybody announced that Raya will fall on 30th augu...
Outing 1: Anguk Street 18 Jun 2011 | 04:35 pm
Summer break start! and counting days nak balik rumah even masih ada sepurnama lagi untuk pulang ke pangkuan keluarga tercinta. Sebenarnya memang boleh sahaja kalau mahu pulang awal tapi sebab akan me...