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Aim_College, wait, Aim_Campus, already taken, and finally Aim_Kampus! 8 Jun 2012 | 03:22 pm
At first, this map was named aim_college. But search engine result shows that the name has already been used. Then it was changed to aim_campus. We also plan to make the DE version. Unfortunately, the...
Download Downgrade maps for Counter Strike and Condition Zero 24 May 2012 | 05:14 pm
As the name implies, Downgrade is not a new map at all. It was just downgraded version of Downtown, another Downtown without breakable glass, signs, and many eye-candies. Take a look at the preview p...
More counter strike point blank related news:
Iklan Komputer Murah Bekasi Paket Games 17 Jan 2012 | 12:52 am
Komputer Murah Paket Games. Buat anda yang senang bermain game di PC dan game online atau game offline yang seru seperti : Counter Strike, Pont Blank, Ayo dance, Ninja saga, Restauran City, Starcraf....
Skins Counter Strike Yang Ada Di Point Blank 18 Jun 2011 | 12:36 am
Sudah lama saya tiddak update. Karenna saya masih mencari game-game yang bagus dan juga caranya hack games itu. Dan sekarang saya telah menemukan game Counter Strike. Dan saya menemukan cara untuk men...
Point Blank 10 Jun 2009 | 04:45 am
Penggusur Counter Strike Pengganti Call of Duty, Penakluk Battlefield Satu dari sekian benyak banyak game Fps (First person shooting) yang membanjiri tanah air! counter strike tidak diragukan lagi te...
Download Fps Creator X10 Full Version 19 Apr 2012 | 09:26 pm
FPS CREATOR X10 - Untuk anda penggemar Game FPS , Pasti anda ingin Mencoba Membuat game Seperti Point Blank, Counter Strike, dll... dan anda ingin membuat game karya anda sendiri,tentu bisa dibuat de...
Counter Strike Tips 31 Jan 2011 | 07:35 pm
You have probably heard of the game called Counter Strike. Almost everyone plays it, and every internet cafe has it. Why? because of its multi-player features. The game is just simple, basically point...
Point Blank, o mais novo e realista FPS do Brasil 6 Dec 2010 | 02:44 pm
Point Blank foi feito para quem gosta de jogos de tiro em primeira pessoa, o famoso FPS. O mesmo gênero do famoso Counter Strike, só que mais parecido com o Combat Arms. Point Blank traz algumas carac...
Como baixar e jogar Point Blank no Brasil 25 Aug 2013 | 03:01 am
Point Blank é um FPS online para PC com Windows muito jogado no Brasil, ele seria uma espécie de substituto espiritual do Counter-Strike, para muitos que queriam jogar algo diferente. Quer jogar PB no...
Kill Counter 25 Aug 2013 | 09:21 pm
Have you guys ever played Point Blank? There's a kill counter, everytime you kill a player a star will appear at the bottom-left corner of screen. Attachment 10339 So I'm suggesting the same thing i...
Como baixar e jogar Point Blank no Brasil 25 Aug 2013 | 03:01 am
Point Blank é um FPS online para PC com Windows muito jogado no Brasil, ele seria uma espécie de substituto espiritual do Counter-Strike, para muitos que queriam jogar algo diferente. Quer jogar PB no...