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Recap of the Latest Sweet Steals & Centsible Deals 12 Apr 2013 | 04:26 am
Valid thru 4/21! Printable Coupons & Deals: Price Chopper: New York Texas Toast or Ciabatta w/Cheese Only $1! Lawn & Garden Goodies Last Chance - Coupons Ending Soon! $1 and $.1.50 on ANY Clorox ...
Walmart Weekly Sales Ad 4/22- 4/28 23 Apr 2012 | 02:16 pm
Here’s this weeks list of some of the best deals and coupon match-ups that you can find at Walmart. Remember, that prices may vary by regions. Grocery: Country Crock Shedds Spread, 16 oz Walmart Pr...
Price Chopper Best Deals and Coupon Matchups for the Week of 12/16 16 Dec 2012 | 02:42 am
Here are the best deals and coupon matchups for the week of 12/16. In-ad Coupons Glaceau Vitamin Water B6G2 Free Lipton Iced Tea 12pk 2/$10 Pepsi 12pk 3/$11 or 5/$11 (regional ad difference) Coca...
Reader's Price Chopper Trip! 13 Apr 2013 | 12:08 am
Jen's Trip 6 Yoplait @ 0.50 (.40/6 I Save coupon used) 2 Dole Spring Mix @ 2.00 - 1.50/2 store coupon and .65/2 printed coupon* beeped & mgr overrode s/b Kits only 1 Boca Chik'n Patties @ 3.50 - $1...
Price Chopper: $7.50 off $75+ Purchase!! Good Through 6/8!! 6 Jun 2013 | 06:02 pm
There is a great new coupon out from Price Chopper! Get $7.50 off a $75+ purchase! Remember, most of these coupons can be used BEFORE your manufacturer coupons to make for an even better deal! And, ...
Zavers by Google helps Price Chopper make gains among its most loyal shoppers 3 Jul 2013 | 01:24 am
Since its launch in January, Zavers by Google has partnered with leading regional supermarkets, like D’agostino, BI-LO/Winn-Dixie and Associated Food Stores, to reward customers with relevant coupons....
Zavers by Google helps Price Chopper make gains among its most loyal shoppers 3 Jul 2013 | 01:24 am
Since its launch in January, Zavers by Google has partnered with leading regional supermarkets, like D’agostino, BI-LO/Winn-Dixie and Associated Food Stores, to reward customers with relevant coupons....
Zavers by Google helps Price Chopper make gains among its most loyal shoppers 3 Jul 2013 | 01:24 am
Since its launch in January, Zavers by Google has partnered with leading regional supermarkets, like D’agostino, BI-LO/Winn-Dixie and Associated Food Stores, to reward customers with relevant coupons....
Zavers by Google helps Price Chopper make gains among its most loyal shoppers 3 Jul 2013 | 01:24 am
Since its launch in January, Zavers by Google has partnered with leading regional supermarkets, like D’agostino, BI-LO/Winn-Dixie and Associated Food Stores, to reward customers with relevant coupons....
Price Chopper Best Deals and Coupon Matchups for the Week of 12/16 16 Dec 2012 | 02:42 am
Here are the best deals and coupon matchups for the week of 12/16. In-ad Coupons Glaceau Vitamin Water B6G2 Free Lipton Iced Tea 12pk 2/$10 Pepsi 12pk 3/$11 or 5/$11 (regional ad difference) Coca...