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Certificação ITIL V3 Garantida ou DINHEIRO DE VOLTA 28 Oct 2010 | 07:19 am
Devido ao grande sucesso que o curso de ITIL V3 Foundation EAD da ISSO É Tecnologia está fazendo no mercado brasileiro, com 100% de aprovação no exame oficial, a empresa de treinamentos resolveu banca...
Packet Tracer 27 Oct 2010 | 06:30 am
O Packet Tracer é uma solução completa para simulação, visualização, criação, avaliação de rede. Através dele podemos simular com facilidade o funcionamento de uma rede física, wireless ou fibra. O P...
More cpanel oracle xe related news:
Koneksi CodeIgniter 1.72 dengan Oracle XE 4 May 2010 | 07:50 pm
Bagi anda yang pernah mencoba koneksi PHP dengan Oracle pastinya tidak asing lagi dengan konfigurasi ini. Tapi bagi anda yang belum pernah mengkoneksikan PHP dengan Oracle, anda bisa lakukan langkah-l...
Tutorial de Instalação do Oracle APEX 4.1 1 Dec 2011 | 07:39 am
Este tutorial mostra como instalar o Apex 4.1 no Oracle XE. Aí vai um passo a passo: 1 – Baixar e instalar Oracle XE Download nesse link:
Execute procedure Oracle XE (PL/SQL Server Page a.k PSP) on WebBrowser with WebServer Apache 24 May 2012 | 12:51 pm
Requirement : Oracle XE (Oracle Database 11g Express Edition, Installed) User and Database (ex: user/password : coba/system, db:coba) WebServer Apahce (ex all in one : XAMPP, Apache v2.0, Installed...
Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration in Windows XP 8 Jun 2013 | 03:23 pm
To start doing JDBC programs in your local machines you should configure the following softwares: 1. Install Java 1.5 or higher version 2. Install Oracle XE (recommended) 3. Set up classpaths for J...
Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration in Windows XP 8 Jun 2013 | 03:23 pm
To start doing JDBC programs in your local machines you should configure the following softwares: 1. Install Java 1.5 or higher version 2. Install Oracle XE (recommended) 3. Set up classpaths for J...
How do I change the default port of Oracle database 10g XE edtion 25 Feb 2013 | 12:02 pm
Hi, I have different databases and Web servers running in my local machine. I often get port conflicts because of Oracle XE will claim the default port 8080. I search in net how do avoid port conflict...
Пошаговые инструкции по инсталляции сервера баз данных Oracle 11G R2 15 Sep 2011 | 06:50 pm
Версия XE может использоваться бесплатно в коммерческих организациях. (Ограничения: работа с 1 ядром, 1 GB оперативной памяти и данных не более 4 GB для 10 версии и 11 GB для 11 версии) Версии Standa...
BUG with Bind Variables in Labeled Block in 10gR2 31 Mar 2009 | 08:44 pm
Yesterday in my course I ran into a strange BUG in Oracle Express (XE) on WIN32 and Linux 32 bit, in fact one of my students, Ralf Spiwoks, found it: I have tried to run a top level anonymous block...
Installing Oracle Database 10g Express Edition 15 Jun 2013 | 07:08 pm
Oracle has introduced several features in 10g XE. These are very user friendly and very secure. The main features are: Application Development, Availability, Business Intelligence, Clustering, Content...
Oracle JDBC Connection Test 22 Jun 2013 | 05:48 pm
Here we are starting our first JDBC program after installing Oracle 10g XE in our local machine. Connecting Oracle database through java is little bit interesting. We need a medium to connect Oracle t...