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Robe 2 Jul 2012 | 08:59 pm
Robe KOOS avec ou sans manches. Très amples emmanchures américaines ou manches en deux pièces. Tissus suggérés : mousseline de soie, crêpe georgette, gaze. Catégorie Patrons Vogue Grands couturiers
Confiture de prune 21 Mar 2010 | 02:32 am
Cette recette s'applique à toutes les prunes : prune mirabelle, prune quetshe, prune reine-claude... Un régal le matin sur les tartines, au goûter sur de la brioche ou en diner pour une soirée crêpe. ...
Staub Crepe Pan with Spreader and Spatula – 11" – Black Matte 3 May 2012 | 06:57 pm
This cast iron crêpe pan’s has low sides that make it easy to turn and remove delicate foods. This feature makes it ideal for preparing pancakes, fried eggs, an omelette. But of course, we care mos...
Bohemia Bordeaux 29 Oct 2011 | 07:49 am
Bordeaux is the last stopping point before we get to Spain and there are still a few Frenchies we haven't tried yet. Escargot and a crêpe in particular, obviously because of our location a bottle of t...
Trucs et conseils de la couturière avisée:Christian Dior 10 Jun 2011 | 01:30 am
Tailleur Bar de Christian Dior-Jupe à plis plats Pièce maitresse de sa collection Printemps-été 1947 Truc 28 Q.Cet ensemble ce nomme Tailleur bar. Elle est faite de crêpe de laine et de soie s...
日本东京涉谷街头可丽饼! Tokyo Shibuya Crêpe! 6 Nov 2011 | 08:10 pm
Crêpe au Nutella 1 Jan 1970 | 01:33 pm
Crêpe au Nutella: Ingrédients 1 tasse (250 ml) farine 1 pincée sel 1 oeuf 1 1/4 tasse (315 ml) lait Huile Jus de citron, pour la garniture (facultatif) Nutella pour la garniture et la décoration Pré...
Crêpe-inspired breakfast 4 Jun 2010 | 06:17 am
What's your favorite food of all time?? For me, it's the first thing I really learned how to make. When I was really young, my French grandma always used to make sugared crêpes and I quickly figured i...
Have your cake and your sanity too. 4 Mar 2009 | 03:17 pm
If baking freaks you out, you might want to try my favorite alternative to a traditional cake- a crêpe stack! The traditional crêpe cake (or Mille Crêpes) has pastry cream between the layers and the t...
Oh Crepes! 10 Feb 2011 | 10:46 am
Our family has been making crepes since EmaBug's birthday last month. "A crêpe is a type of very thin pancake, usually made from wheat flour. The word is of French origin, deriving from the Latin cri...