Most craft teach yourself visually crocheting related news are at:

Sentimental (cross) Stitches 26 Jul 2013 | 10:05 pm
My Mom was an avid cross stitcher. She was always working on a pattern and I would always get her a new kit for her birthday. I guess I’m writing this post to tell you how special a cross stitch pro...
Too Deep to Fall Free on Kindle for Five Days 20 Jul 2013 | 07:16 pm
Today’s post is a bit off topic, as it’s not about stitching but about reading. This is my husband’s poetry book and it’s free on Kindle for the next few days. (We actually just celebrated 19 years si...
More craft teach yourself visually crocheting related news:
Crochet Flower Granny Squares 2 Jan 2012 | 05:58 am
I taught myself to crochet at a very young age. It's amazing that some of the older crafts are in style again. I have wanted to teach myself how to crochet a flower granny square. So, yesterday I spen...
It’s Live – Lindy’s Art Deco Craftsy class is launched 12 Aug 2013 | 01:07 am
Had an exciting week as my first Craftsy class has gone live. For those of you who’ve not heard of Craftsy, they are an online teaching platform for all types of craft including crochet, knitting, pho...