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– Teoretic Vorbind
Behaving: from genes to gender 7 Aug 2013 | 03:42 am
This article was featured in TVP Magazine, issue nr. 3, page 30. Jacque Fresco about the article: ” An excellent article” This is the unedited version of the article: Jacque Fresco talks a lot ...
Spending money in today´s world 29 Jul 2013 | 10:24 pm
I promise this article will leave you all in wonder, asking yourself if indeed you live in a completely insane society. We all know money is some paper that does not reflect the resources on this pla...
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Curare la relazione, intrecciando ambienti fisici e virtuali 19 Jul 2012 | 04:16 pm
Cos’è una “rete”? È la capacità di creare relazione. E non c’è distinzione tra le modalità in cui si realizza la relazione. Il rapporto autenticamente umano innerva sia la conversazione faccia a facci...