Most creating greasemonkey scripts related news are at:

SEO Training in Chandigarh 18 Jun 2011 | 01:44 am
Get professional SEO training in Chandigarh. live projects. In this SEO training you will get to know how actually the work is done in big IT companies and SEO firms. Click here to know about SEO trai...
NFL Week 17 Picks Against the Spread 31 Dec 2010 | 04:03 am
Cool Math Games : Week 17 of the NFL season brings the 2010 regular season to a close in style. The NFL has scheduled all divisional games to end the season and it has created interesting season endin...
More creating greasemonkey scripts related news:
Getting Greasemonkey to recognize a "Page Load Error" 12 Aug 2008 | 07:16 pm
One thing common thing for a Greasemonkey script to do is to load another page in the window, or even just refresh a page when certain conditions are met. The problem is what happens when the page doe...
The good-old Sendmail configuration 19 Jan 2007 | 03:31 am
Sometime you want to automate health-checking of your server. You have created some script that check here and there, and send it to your email. Every morning when you come to office, you just sit the...
The Category Saga Continues 28 Jan 2011 | 08:53 am
Ok so my last post was all about creating a script that would loop through and find all sub, sub-sub, sub-sub-sub categories and label them with a main_id which was ulimately the top-level catgory of...
Automatically Connect Your Mac to Shared Windows Network Folders 15 Feb 2011 | 04:06 am
This posting covers how to create a script (application) for your Mac to automatically connect to a shared Windows folder when you login to your Mac. Creating the Script Open the Apple Script Editor...
Yah’s Minified jQuery 1.4.4 for GM 10 Dec 2010 | 03:49 am
Released a sample Greasemonkey script that contains an embedded version of minified jQuery 1.4.4. I could not find one anywhere so I had to roll my own from a full-sized release. Hope this helps someo...
Yahoo! Emoticons for Facebook 19 Aug 2010 | 07:53 am
After a long break today I’m writing in my blog. Yesterday [ its 1:06 now ] I’ve had a horrible final exam . Yet, I’m happy to release this Google Chome Extension / FireFox Greasemonkey Script Check ...
How to Replace Google’s Logo with your Favourite Doodle on Google’s Search Page 18 Sep 2009 | 10:29 am
If you love Google’s Doodles which is used by Google to commemorate important events and holidays, a good news news for you. Tiffany Lane, A Google employee, has created a Greasemonkey script through ...
IO: Accepting command line input in PHP 23 Nov 2011 | 08:38 am
While writing an application, you may sometimes feel the need to create a script that can communicate with the user through the command line – perhaps you don’t feel the need to write an entire web GU...
Wishlist Buddy Greasemonkey Script *UPDATE* 3 Nov 2006 | 11:05 am
*UPDATE* Wishlist Buddy fell on some hard times a few months ago. The code that ran in the background automatically doing price checks and sending emails didn’t play nice with a version of PHP5 that m...
Annotations for Google Analytics (Google 分析的註解功能) 8 Dec 2009 | 05:36 pm
等左咁耐, Google Analytics 終於都有 Annotations 的功能了. 本來用 Firefox 的add-ons Greasemonkey + Script 都可以做到同樣的效果, 但始於都唔係”原裝”, 無可能去到邊都用得到, 所以無去用. 但係 Google 而家自己official 出返, 咁就方便好多了. 唔洗care 個browser 本身有冇 Greasemonk...