Most creative minority report related news are at:

HuffPo Frets 50 Abortuaries Shut Down Since 2010 27 Aug 2013 | 07:10 am
Over 50 abortion clinics have closed down in the past three years, according to a new study from The Huffington Post. At least 54 abortion providers across 27 states have shut down or ended their abo...
Mostly Dead Patients Are Not In Fact Dead 26 Aug 2013 | 11:20 pm
Hey, you know all those people who've been declared to be in a vegetative state and then starved to death. Well, it turns out that they may not have...uhm...technically...been in what some might label...
More creative minority report related news:
Azınlık Raporu – Minority Report (2002) 480p 5 Mar 2012 | 03:48 am Video: XVID 720×304 23.98fps 1439Kbps [Video 0] Audio: Dolby AC3 48000Hz stereo 256Kbps [Audio 1] Audio: Dolby AC3 48000Hz 6ch 448Kbps [Audio 2] SES: Türkçe / İngiliz...
WPSB Affiliate Add-on 2.2.1: released 19-03-12 19 Mar 2012 | 10:43 pm
WPSB Affiliate Addon 2.2.1: released 19-03-12 Minor Reporting Tweaks
Repensons l’intimité homme-machine 31 Oct 2009 | 09:26 pm
Image © Clayton Miller, 2009 Cela fait un moment que nous rêvons d’une interface homme-machine telle que celle utilisée par John Anderton (joué par Tom Cruise) dans Minority Report. Forcément, avec l...
Personalidad Virtual (Parte I) 20 Jun 2009 | 07:16 am
Minority Report (MR), además de una buena película de Spielberg, posiblemente sea la recreación más lúcida y aproximada hasta la fecha de cómo podría ser el inmediato (10 o 15 años) futuro si las cosa...
The Spielberg Blogathon: Day 5 23 Dec 2010 | 04:13 am
Minority Report by Ed Howard The film's literalization of seeing the future is so potent because it's a metaphor or a model for the cinema, but even more poignantly it's compared to home movies. And...
Minority Report, twenty years ahead of schedule 16 May 2008 | 10:58 pm
A lot of people saw Johnny Chung Lee's amazing head-tracking demo on YouTube a couple of months back, but I thought this was even more amazing. And yes, I found this via his appearance at TEDTalks. So...
Microsoft Surface Computer 12 Jun 2007 | 03:30 pm
Microsoft Surface, the new way of interacting with the touch screen interface. Amazingly simple and almost fun to use, quickly reminds of the futuristic movies like Deja Vu or Minority Report. Check o...
Minority Report personalised advertising becomes a reality 18 Jan 2012 | 04:32 am
Intel Corporation (not to be confused with the Tyrrell Corporation, but you would be forgiven – this was science fiction writer Phillip K Dick’s idea) have unveiled digital signage technology that rec...
Latest Issue of Themelios 5 May 2011 | 05:28 pm
The latest issue of Themelios is up and includes: Editorial: On Abusing Matthew 18 Minority Report: Know Your Limits: The Key Secret of Theological ControversyCarl Trueman Trinitarian Agency and th...
Minority Report für Zuhause (Leap Motion) 22 May 2012 | 03:10 am
Nettes Add-On für Nerds wie uns... Mehr Infos hier: Leap Motion Wildstyle für Herz und Verstand