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More crikey related news:
Jedward go topless! 14 Aug 2010 | 02:43 am
Crikey! We never thought we’d see Jedward looking so, well, handsome! You have to admit the twins do look pretty decent topless and smouldering. You can almost forget how crazy they really are. Almost...
Loss of basic female skills or loss of basic journalistic skills? 31 Jan 2011 | 07:55 pm
(This post is cross-posted at Crikey.) There’s an article by Helen Dow currently on (originally in Queensland’s Sunday Mail) reporting on some findings from social research consultancy Mc...
McCain gets Impalined 5 Sep 2008 | 04:49 pm
This was me in Crikey today. With the Democrat convention and the Palin choice making for an event ridden week in US politics, the big question remaining is “Did it make a difference?” – And that’s a...
Update On Crikey & Billabong 5 Aug 2008 | 06:59 pm
These two heifers are the product of embryo implants performed in the first quarter of 2006. They are flush sisters by WJ Wizard out of DOH Jewel 1L. Here's Whine Not Billabong at 21 months of age, d...
Happy New Year - Whine Not Crikey 16 Jan 2007 | 06:03 pm
What a great start to 2007! Crikey arrived at lunch time on New Year's Day; very civilised. 15 days later, here she is a picture of health and a credit to her recipient mother, Zebulous, in the backgr...
Doodly catch up time! 20 Jul 2011 | 09:00 pm
Admittedly I have been getting a bit behind with my drawing-a-day book, but now life has calmed down a little I can share with you most of June! (oops I'm still on May, crikey!) May 26th May 27th May...
Castle Gloom 28 May 2011 | 04:49 pm
Castle Gloom swept into my minds radar and again I wondered why , or was it obvious why ,the name of this castle was changed in 1465 to Castle Campbell. Crikey thats a few years ago now.Another Scotti...
Dale Farm Gypies Go to Luton 21 Sep 2011 | 02:40 pm
Crikey! I might agree with removing the 'Travellers' but no-one deserves being forced to relocate to Luton! Cheers, FAV [Time to start blogging again!]
Woman and partner charged in Queensland for procuring abortion 26 May 2009 | 09:26 pm
From Queensland’s ‘antiquated and repressive’ abortion laws The headline in the Cairns Post of 17 April summed it up well: “Miscarriage of justice”. On the previous day in the Cairns Magis...
Beer mat lady Annice Smoel goes free 23 May 2009 | 06:49 pm
Annice Smoel aka. “the beer mat lady” has pleaded guilty and got off with a small fine for stealing a beer mat from the Aussie Bar in Phuket. Crikey had a good wrap of the story from the media’s pers...