Most cron related news are at:

Site Hacked with Pharmacy Spammy Content on search listings 28 Mar 2012 | 06:39 pm
Got a email* today today that searches on are resulting in pharmacy spammy urls and contents. It took around three hours to find out what is happening and fixing it. Finall...
Site Hacked with Pharmacy Spammy Content on search listings 28 Mar 2012 | 11:39 am
Got a email* today today that searches on are resulting in pharmacy spammy urls and contents. It took around three hours to find out what is happening and fixing it. Finall...
More cron related news:
Mac OS, rss2email and scheduling with launchd 24 Aug 2011 | 03:57 am
Just a little FYI if you encounter this: MacRumors user durlecs was having a problem scheduling rss2email with launchd, Mac OS’s built in replacement for cron and other UNIX services. It looks like he...
Scheduled Post Shift Plugin for WordPress 8 Jul 2009 | 11:20 am
This plugin automatically takes your oldest post, and updates its timestamp so that it appears as the latest post on your WordPress site. It does this by utilizing the cron feature built into WordPres...
Are you a Webmaster ? 13 Jul 2011 | 12:13 pm
You can always skip your meal but you go restless if you can’t check your email for more than an hour 6D2TYKZ8TJHT Your inbox has more Cron-Jon notifications from your servers than personal mails and...
Backup MySQL databases automatically 28 Dec 2008 | 11:39 pm
AutoMySQLBackup is a great script that help us backup MySQL databases automatically. It can run thru cron job in or manually. It is easy to setup and make it works. I have just get it works only 5 min...
[Niloo] News : Nouvelles fonctionnalités 16 Dec 2011 | 02:24 am
Bonjour, Des nouvelles fonctionnalités sont disponibles chez Niloo : - Statistiques Piwik Permet davoir des informations sur les visiteurs de votre site - Tâches planifiées Cron Permet de programm...
Акция в честь 6-ти летия компании Cron Telecom 17 Dec 2010 | 08:13 pm
2-го мая 2011 у компании Cron Telecom день рождения — нам исполняется 6 лет! Мы хотим, чтоб этот праздник разделили с нами как можно больше наших любимых абонентов, ведь чем больше друзей на дне рожде...
Безлимитный домашний интернет от Cron Telecom 3 Oct 2010 | 01:01 pm
Интернет провайдер Cron Telecom известен на рынке телекоммуникационных услуг с мая 2005 года. Компания предоставляет весь спектр интернет-услуг, таких как ADSL и Dial-Up доступ в интернет, построение ...
在sae上跑个小爬虫 7 Apr 2012 | 03:06 am
严格的说这都不能算是爬虫,它只是定时去ntu网站上去查申请状态,然后发邮件或短信提醒。应用跑在sae上,顺便练练手,熟悉熟悉各种服务,发现一段时间没看,如今的sae已经足够强大了。 50行代码的小程序就不贴了,随便总结点思路吧,顺便给@懒货吃货戳包货 提供一个沙发的机会。 用到的sae服务有如下这些:Cron, FetchURL(用cURL代替), KVDB, Mail, SMS 程序流程如...
Case Study: A World of Warcraft Encyclopedia 21 Oct 2008 | 07:59 pm
Technologies AJAX, JQuery, CRON, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, SEO, Flash, Video, Python WoW Hunter WoW Hunter Pets: A Graphical Encyclopedia for World of Warcraft Gamers. For thi...
Cron, crontab example reference and how to run things periodically in GNU/Linux and Unix 5 Nov 2010 | 05:54 am
Cron is a job scheduler found in most Unix-like operating systems. “Chronos”, which is the Greek word for “time”, is where the name cron comes from. Cron makes it possible to schedule jobs, which can ...