Most crud with codeigniter related news are at:

I hate to say it, but... 23 Feb 2012 | 06:47 pm
If you've read my previous post, you'll probably know that I've been extremely busy lately, and I still am. Lately Akismet has been having some problems over the past few days and I simply cannot keep...
I hate to say it, but... 23 Feb 2012 | 01:47 pm
If you've read my previous post, you'll probably know that I've been extremely busy lately, and I still am. Lately Akismet has been having some problems over the past few days and I simply cannot keep...
More crud with codeigniter related news:
layouting extjs 14 Dec 2011 | 03:17 am
layouting extjs Mau nyoba bikin tutorial baru tentang extjs.. kalo sebelumnya kita dah bahas ajax crud jquery codeigniter... tutorial yang sekarang, kita mau bikin ajax crud extjs codeigniter.. tapi ...
newsstand magazine review 25 Jan 2012 | 10:20 am
NEWSSTAND MAGAZINE REVIEW Okay, okay. I’ve finally pulled my head part way out of my butt. You’ll have to excuse me. I’m still fighting with this damn cold/flu/crud two weeks later. I’m blaming that ...
Two CodeIgniter libraries I can not live without 29 Apr 2010 | 08:00 pm
I have said it before and I say it again – “Hi, my name is Andreas and I am a CodeIgniter junkie”. I can quit my CodeIgniter (a PHP framework) habit whenever I want, but why would I want to (read Why ...
Really Useful Tools For PHP Developers 27 Aug 2009 | 04:38 pm
PHP is one of the most widely used language for creating dynamics websites and applications. PHP frameworks like Zend, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, etc and open source PHP classes & libraries have made our l...
Pensiunea Verde Crud 8 Feb 2011 | 03:12 am
O locatie decorata in stil rustic cu o capacitate de cazare de 25-26 persoane, in 9 camere duble dotate cu pat matrimonial si 2 apartamente decomandate cu doua respectiv trei camere………… Tel: 0723 737...
Code Igniter 2.0 layout and extending controller 20 Jan 2011 | 11:26 pm
I have setup cake php like codeigniter 2.0 in my server. There is also problem with .htaccess in hostmonster. So I also changed .htaccess accordingly for codeigniter. It works like a charm in every se...
PHP custom debugging functions 13 Jul 2010 | 03:40 am
Here is another debugging helper for Symfony, CodeIgniter, Kohana and Zend frameworks or your applications. Normally you would use var_dump() or print _r() for debugging but dumping the data without x...
I just fount the best Job site ever!!! Not Spam affiliate Crud 17 Apr 2012 | 11:35 am
This ant a affiliate crud thing. I’m posting this because I fount a true work at home site!! cost nothing for a job hunter, and there is a lot of work. i already got my first job for $150. If you real...
JSON Error / Exception Messages in Codeigniter 2.0+ 10 Apr 2012 | 06:39 am
The Problem One of my recent projects required me to build a quick JSON only API to abstract interaction with multiple databases for multiple web applications, as I’d already got some of the logic in...
Codeigniter Conference 2012 – Post Conference Thoughts 20 Feb 2012 | 11:38 am
Having not even got back home yet after the 2012 Codeigniter Conference I thought I’d write up some of my highlights of a very enjoyable weekend: Testing - John Crepizzi Testing is something I’ve be...