Most cruise control .net sandcastle related news are at:
– Scimatic Software | We build software for scientists
Science Outreach 19 Mar 2013 | 08:11 pm
A few weeks ago, I took some time to do “science outreach” with my son’s Grade 3 class. Nothing fancy — the teacher had asked for volunteers for their “Scientist in the Schools” program. I had been th...
SQLite and GUI interfaces 8 Mar 2013 | 02:46 am
A number of our projects use the SQLite database as a backend store. While developing, it’s critical to be able to see what’s in the database. I’ve used two GUI browsers for SQLite on Windows SQLite D...
More cruise control .net sandcastle related news:
DE BEKEURING 2 Apr 2008 | 06:32 am
Een agent stopt een auto op de A16 "Goedemiddag meneer, wij registreerden net een snelheid van 140 kilometers" zegt de agent. De bestuurder antwoordt "Maar dat kan niet, ik had de cruise-control aan ...