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More cruising skateboards on the strand related news:
Cruise n Kite - Kitecamps 5 Mar 2012 | 02:00 pm
Kategorie Reisen Kiteboarden, Windsurfen oder einfach nur so am schönsten und weitläufigsten Strand der Costa Brava abhängen und chillen. Für unseres Summercamps haben wir uns die beste Location am Ki...
Cruise ship doesn't help stranded boater 16 May 2012 | 04:14 pm
Brian Todd reports on a stranded boater who says a major cruise liner passed by him without stopping to help
The Look up the Hippest Skateboard Boots or shoes 13 Mar 2012 | 07:24 pm
Today I will talk regarding something around my heart and soul, wedge shoes and boots. Having spend several years as a job woman Actually, i know how frustrating it is typically to end up stranded dow...
Video / Photo shoot for OASIS 2012 Collection 8 Nov 2012 | 01:17 am
The Oasis Skateboard Factory kids rolled through Kensington to film product videos for their LBL Collab decks. Check out some of the stills we took cruising back alleys, down Augusta Ave and ontop of ...
Abenteuerurlaub mit Sea Cloud Cruises 7 Jan 2013 | 01:29 pm
Wer den etwas spezielleren Urlaub mag und wem es nicht nur darum geht in den Ferien faul am Strand zu liegen, wer gerne etwas erlebt und neben Erholung auch das Abenteuer liebt, für den sind ...
#GetSome – Crusin’ Tuesdays w/ Mike Rosa – Video #7 7 Nov 2012 | 12:38 am
#GetSome “CRUSIN’ TUESDAYS” video #7!! This week Mike Rosa cruises the streets of the oZone, FLA! HAPPY SKATEBOARDING!!!! #GetSome “all day… every day” The post #GetSome – Crusin’ Tuesdays w/ Mike ...
#GetSome – Crusin’ Tuesdays w/ A.J. Burnett – Video #8 20 Nov 2012 | 09:13 pm
#GetSome “CRUSIN’ TUESDAYS” video #8!! This week A.J. Burnett cruises the streets of the oZone, FLA! MUSIC: NECRO – “asBESTos” HAPPY SKATEBOARDING!!!! #GetSome “all day… every day” The post #GetSom.....
Alessandro Magnani – Cruising in Copenhagen 4 Jul 2013 | 08:51 pm
Alessandro, skateboarder and artist, has been in Copenhagen, visiting our friend Julien Castel. Enjoy watching the clip! flim: Julien Castel edit: RK Produktions
Cruise Ship Stranded in Gulf of Mexico 14 Feb 2013 | 08:21 pm
The ship is being slowly towed to shore and is expected to dock in Mobile, Ala., on Thursday if weather permits. The vessel is without air conditioning, many working toilets and some restaurant servic...
Celebrity Cruises' Millennium Strands Passengers Again 20 Aug 2013 | 07:09 am
Celebrity Cruises Millennium cruise ship that was grounded in Alaska last week is having trouble again. Celebrity Cruises said in a statement: Due to a mechanical problem in one of Celebrity Millenn...