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CSS3 Verlauf Generator 29 Nov 2010 | 12:54 am
Seit der Einfügung von CSS3 ist es möglich Verläufe über extra Attribute zu definieren, ohne dass dafür Hintergrundgrafiken erstellt werden müssen. Wer sich damit schon ein wenig beschäftigt hat, wird...
CSS3: text-overflow (propiedad css que trata el desbordamiento de un texto dentro de una etiqueta dada) 1 Feb 2012 | 08:00 pm
Con esta propiedad css3 podremos definir el comportamiento que va a tener el texto de una etiqueta dada cuando desborde del espacio asignado para dicha etiqueta en ancho y alto. div.titular { overflow...
My New Favorite Random Text Generator: Fillerati 4 Mar 2012 | 07:53 am
Web designers use a lot of dead language. Latin, to be specific. When a site-under-construction needs large swaths of filler text to be poured into posts and pages, lorem ipsum has been the standard c...
在线调试css3.0的工具 8 Jul 2011 | 04:20 pm
两个在线调试css3.0的工具,css3 please和css3 generator。 css3.0增加的新属性,如投影、渐变、旋转、圆角等等!这些新标准属性在ie6、ie7、ie8浏览器版本里得不到很好的支持,相信ie以后的新版本也会支持这些新属性的。目前ie6、ie7、ie8浏览器不支持这些属性并不能说明ie就实现不了css3.0新属性的效果!css3please.com网站为我们收集整理了...
CSS3 code generators and css selectors 8 Sep 2011 | 01:41 pm
I saw this post and thought it may be useful. Here are 10 of the best css3 code generators for quickly adding css3 styles to your sites. SelectorGadget is a great way to quickly select elements. Poin...
CSS3 Code Generators 20 Dec 2011 | 04:30 am
It’s all gone the days of using Photoshop to create rounded corners for some web elements and to generate shadow effects on a website. CSS2.1 didn’t have more features for the current web design techn...
Membuat Tulisan Terbalik Di Facebook 2 Nov 2011 | 01:04 am
Apakah anda pernah melihat tulisan sharing teman-teman kita di Fb terbalik?Mungkin anda bertanya bagaimana bisa?Bisa saja, kita hanya menggunakan layanan online Upside Down Text Generator. Caranya cuk...
Falling Objects / Falling Text / Marquee Scrolling Text Generator for Blogger 15 Jan 2012 | 09:32 pm
You can show the falling objects or graphics to your Blogger profile page. This generator falling objects to specify an image of your choice. Once you paste the HTML code to your Blogger profile page,...
Fresh from the Lab: CSS3 Text-Warping 4 Mar 2011 | 09:47 pm
I got hooked on desktop-publishing the moment when I attached a text to a path for the first time in Freehand 3. It was magic. Suddenly you could create designs that used to take days or even weeks in...
Situs Generator yang membuat tulisan menarik di facebook 24 Aug 2011 | 12:51 am
Agar status kita menarik dan tidak monoton ada generator teks yang membuat status fb kita lebih berwarna, berikut alamat link di bawah ini :