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CSS Nite redux, Vol.6 とVol.61に参加しました 22 Jan 2012 | 02:00 pm
・・・あけましておめでとうございます。 まさかの2012年初投稿がいまさらになってしまうとは・・・( ꒪⌓꒪) サイトリニューアル後とか正月っぽい豪華なネタじゃないとなぁ・・・とか出し惜しみしてたらほぼ1ヶ月放置しちゃいましたよっと。 1月14日に「CSS Nite redux, Vol.6 (Shift 5「デザイントレンド」再演)」、1月19日に「CSS Nite in Ginza, V...
CSS to Force a Scrollbar to Appear in IE8 and FF 3 Aug 2010 | 05:57 am
Websites sometimes appear “shift” side-to-side a bit when you go from one page to another within the same website. This is usually caused by going from a page with a scrollbar to a page without a scro...
jQuery File Tree Connector for Perl 13 Feb 2009 | 11:02 am
Being a Delphi programmer for many years (desktop applications for Win32), now I’m shifting to the web medium: AJAX, CSS. After some research, I’ve chosen the jQuery framework as the base for my futur...
CSS: Removing that dotted line around a link 4 Dec 2009 | 10:44 pm
Just a quick note to myself… I’m working on a navigation system that uses CSS image replacement. To hide the text, CSS shifts it out of view by using the text-indent property and a big negative value...
my CSS Reset 2 Nov 2011 | 06:36 pm
/** CSS Reset **/ html, body, div, dl, dt, dd, ul, ol, li, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, form, input, button, textarea, p, th, td { margin:0; padding:0; vertical-align:baseline; } body {width:100%; font:nor...
Quick Tip: CSS Vertical-align & Inline-block 5 Nov 2012 | 08:21 pm
During the process of working today I came across a CSS issue with vertical-align and two inline-block elements next to each other. Setting vertical-align to baseline for both didn’t solve the issue, ...
CSS Way: Horizontal Rule 26 Jun 2013 | 06:30 pm
Definition and Usage The <hr> tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page (e.g. a shift of topic). The <hr> element is used to separate content (or define a change) in an HTML page. Default hr tag ...
Graphs as a landscape. SVG + JS over CSS animations. 18 Jul 2013 | 05:23 pm
We recently launched Server Density v2 together with a complete overhaul of the company website. This is all part of a bigger shift in our corporate identity, with the website being the best visual in...
Graphs as a landscape. SVG + JS over CSS animations. 18 Jul 2013 | 05:23 pm
We recently launched Server Density v2 together with a complete overhaul of the company website. This is all part of a bigger shift in our corporate identity, with the website being the best visual in...
Graphs as a landscape. SVG + JS over CSS animations. 18 Jul 2013 | 05:23 pm
We recently launched Server Density v2 together with a complete overhaul of the company website. This is all part of a bigger shift in our corporate identity, with the website being the best visual in...