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Firefox 4 font rendering sucks 3 Apr 2011 | 10:01 pm
Just when I was getting used to the horrible way that Windows 7 renders fonts, Firefox 4 has gone and made my life even more miserable. The default font rendering settings on Firefox 4 are jaggy and w...
RatioMaster 1.8.9 23 Aug 2009 | 02:20 am
Hi, List of changes: - Bug fix : fixed speed randomizer not accepting float values - Bug fix : fixed crash on some systems by setting compatible font rendering - Bug fix : fixed problem with some trac...
Fixed in Firefox 3.5 28 Jul 2009 | 11:27 am
We had some font rendering issues with Firefox 3.5. I’m happy to report that they are now gone. Happy browsing.
[DLE 9.3], [Оригинал] шаблон NewsPortal 16 Aug 2011 | 02:41 am
Версии: DLE: 9.3 Комплектация: tpl, css, font, php, PSD(модули присутствуют) Шаблон работает в: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome Цена: 20wmz БЕСПЛАТНО
[DLE 9.3] [Оригинал] шаблон «GiGantika» 8 Aug 2011 | 09:59 pm
Адаптировал под 9.3: victor200 Версия DLE: 9.3 Ширина: 100% резина В комплекте: tpl, css, font, PSD Тематика: общая, фильмы, музыка, игры, софт, блог, новости
Create Beautiful Web Typography using @Font-Face 28 Feb 2012 | 03:00 am
Gone are the days of having to use images to accomplish aesthetic type on the web. The CSS @font-face rule now allows us to embed beautiful typefaces directly into our web designs. In this tutorial, w...
Better fonts in Ubuntu Feisty 21 Jul 2007 | 12:42 am
I just tried the new font code as detailed here and am blessed with way better font rendering in my Ubuntu Feisty. They look sharper and less blurred. I can finally even read the small print again ;-)
CSS: Font, Yazı Tipi 25 May 2011 | 10:26 pm
CSS ile belirlediğiniz bir element ya da katman içerisindeki yazıları biçimlendirmek için bize gerekli olan birimleri öğrenelim. weight: yazı kalınlığı family: yazı tipi, font size: boyut line-he...
CSS @font-face not working on Mozilla Firefox for WordPress 13 Dec 2010 | 02:45 am
When we are using CSS @font-face for WordPress, we usually don’t get the desired result that we may be expecting while we are using Mozilla Firefox. Firefox 3.5 supported TrueType and OpenType fonts. ...
Installing Font on Ubuntu 19 Jan 2011 | 12:25 pm
Some people say that Windows has better font than Linux. But on Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick (I use this version), I think it has a good font too, named Ubuntu, as its’ default font. Also, font rendering in ...