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Css: Height 100% causes Scrollbars to appear 3 Dec 2012 | 04:19 pm
When setting the height of html and body tags to 100% (e.g. to make the footer stick at the bottom) in my case the browser displayed scrollbars. After a bit of research here are some ways to fix this ...
CSS Tutorial to build your own CSS website – Part 7 28 May 2012 | 09:18 pm
Part 7 – PHP Require Statements, moving to individual PHP header and footer tags, and custom CSS standalone menus. This is part of an ongoing series of videos to teach the everyday user how to build a...
Style Footer Links and Text 21 Apr 2011 | 05:01 am
Using basic CSS, here are some quick ways to style the footer links and text in Thesis. Of course, you can change the code attributes below to fit your needs. Footer Links Place this code anywhere i...
CSS template for golfers website 28 Nov 2010 | 07:14 pm
Free 2 column SEO friendly css template suitable for golfers blog or business website. Template has main content in the left column, sidebar on the right tabbed navigation bar and footer. This light...
Резиновая высота блока с учетом вычета высоты header и footer [css, jquery] 8 Nov 2011 | 07:53 pm
При верстке одного макета мне попалась довольно интересная задача. Контентная часть должна тянуться по высоте, футер должен быть прижат к низу (у него неизвестная высота, т.к. в нем находятся ключевые...
実践 タグの書き方と文書構造 17 May 2010 | 03:43 am
ページ内 目次 実践 まず始めに 中身を考える header content footer きれいな(X)HTMLの自分的書き方 実践 タグの書き方と文書構造 積水ハウスHTML + CSS HTMLをXHTMLに! ポイント ただしく、きれいなHTMLを書くポイントは二つです。 文書構造を理解したHTML記述。 divでの構造化。 実践 ここからは、実際にくみなが...
960 Grid with Sticky Footer 20 Sep 2011 | 05:16 pm
Below is a brief and bare example of how to use the “Sticky Footer” with the 960gs. HTML CSS **Remember to change the height,margin-top and padding-bottom to the correct height of YOUR footer** **Reme...
WordPress Premium Magazine theme on Genesis FrameWork CSS and Style Sheet Modification :Modify Header,Footer,logo, menus, font, links,color and more 6 May 2012 | 11:11 pm
Magazine is one of the cool premium theme. Though it is not free and you have to purchase it to make ur blog or site give it a different look then others. So, if you are using wordpress....
Green & Glow Blogger Template 17 Nov 2010 | 10:57 pm
DEMO Feature : Page Navigation Ready Auto Readmore CSS 3 Effect 2 Columns 3 Columns Footer PageList See is the configuration for your post on the image below for best appearance : This is co....
Come modificare il colore di background del footer di un blog di Blogger 17 Oct 2011 | 06:55 am
Per cambiare il colore di sfondo solo nel footer (piè di pagina),la sezione in basso in un blog di Blogger,in modo da evidenziare il suo contenuto è possibile aggiungere da “Aggiungi un CSS” il seguen...