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CSS HACK:IE6、IE7、IE8、Firefox兼容性问题解决方案 10 Jul 2013 | 02:51 am
1.区别IE和非IE浏览器#tip {background:blue; /*非IE 背景藍色*/background:red \9; /*IE6、IE7、IE8背景紅色*/}2.区别IE6,IE7,IE8,FF...
区分各种浏览器的 CSS Hack 整理 21 May 2012 | 08:07 pm
我的PJblog自从稳定下来之后,就一直没有考虑兼容IE6的问题,毕竟现在还在用IE6的人很特别。用IE6的网民,无非就是不会升级浏览器,或者机器上只有IE6随便用用就好,搞博客的朋友倒是很随潮流,不会用低版本的浏览器。不管怎么样,既然有空,还是研究兼容一下,算是CSS学习总结罢。 言归正传,这里是说FF、IE7、IE6的CSS hack问题,文后将总结是IE6,IE7,IE8,Firefox三...
CSS Hacks para o Firefox 3 3 Jul 2008 | 01:56 pm
Primeiramente parabéns ao Firefox, mais de 8 milhões de downloads em 24 horas, garantindo o seu lugar no Guinness Book. Bom, chega de elogios e vamos ao trabalho. Firefox 3, IE8, este último polêmic...
CSS Hack(1) 21 May 2013 | 08:22 am
.css{ height:330px; /*所有浏览器*/ height:407px\9; /*IE6、IE7、IE8*/ *height:330px; /*IE6、IE7*/ _height:330px; /*IE6*/ }
Targeting Specific Browser’s for CSS Hacks 10 Nov 2012 | 05:45 am
It’s not ideal, but sometimes we need to resort to targeting specific browsers. Here is a guide of some methods/tricks to target IE, Safari & Chrome to help make your designs appear correctly in all ...
IE10 CSS Hacks 21 Dec 2012 | 08:43 pm
Last year, Microsoft announced that IE10 will not be supporting conditional comments. With their history, this is obviously a risky move. Up to now, to target quirky behaviour in IE6-9, developers hav...
Conditional sibling class names for IE patching 12 Apr 2013 | 12:22 am
Traditionally, web developers have been using either CSS hacks or conditional comments to target different versions of Internet Explorer with CSS fixes. In the last few years more and more people have...
Updated CSS Sticky Footer for 2010 - Works in IE8 19 Mar 2010 | 08:29 am
I finally updated my sticky footer solution! Yay! It now works in Internet Exploder 8 and is working better in Opera. It no longer uses a clearfix hack, overflow:auto does the trick instead. My old po...