Most cuenca ecuador air pollution related news are at:
– CuencaHighLife Cuenca, Ecuador News | CuencaHighLife
A journey deep into Ecuador's Amazon: strange animals and plants and an adventure with many revelations 26 Aug 2013 | 08:04 pm
Canadian Janet Greidanus and her husband have been coming to Cuenca for 14 years to provide medical care for poor Ecuadorians. In an article for a Canadian website she describes the joys of exploring ...
Northern border paralyzed by Colombian farmers' strike; Ecuadorians and tourists are stranded, deliveries halted 26 Aug 2013 | 03:27 pm
Travel across the Ecuador - Colombia border has been effectively shut down by protesting Colombian farmers. Tourists, en route to Ecuador, have been stranded while badly needed goods on both sides of ...
More cuenca ecuador air pollution related news:
Hacienda Uzhupud: A Cultural Ecuador Experience (Video) 17 Jul 2013 | 02:18 am
Earlier this month we were invited to stay at Hacienda Uzhupud in Paute. Our family stayed for two nights and three days. Check out the trip from Cuenca to Paute. Fresh Air and Beautiful Surrounding...