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Muzica Sferelor 25 Dec 2012 | 03:49 am
Pentru o calitate optima a vizionarii selectati 720p HD si full screen. Aceasta animatie este o analiza geometrica compozitionala a miniaturii gotice God as Geometer realizata de un calugar francez in...
Indexul de perceptie al coruptiei pe 2012 23 Dec 2012 | 10:14 pm
In fiecare an din 1995 organizatia non-profit Transparency International publica un index de perceptie al coruptiei pe baza datelor unor anchete si evaluari. Indexul are o scara de la 0 la 100, 0 fiin...
More curatare cooler laptop related news:
Laptop Fan Cooler 24 Oct 2012 | 10:00 am
Laptop Fan Trouble Source and Repair Steps From the manufacturers point of view has been used to change the design, reduce chip set made of ways to make improvements. However, in practice, we have o...
Review – Cooler Laptop DeepCool 7 Jan 2013 | 08:34 pm
În ultimele articole, respectiv cel despre laptop-ul Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 420s și în cel în care am anunțat reducerile de preț la laptop-urile Dell, am uitat să precizez un amănunt deosebit de importa...
Antec Unbeatable Notebook Cooler 200 Review Roundup 9 Sep 2011 | 01:55 am
Here’s another laptop cooler with an excessively long name; the Antec Unbeatable Notebook Cooler 200 has to be considered a premium product, not least for its rather hefty price tag. But is it is wort...
Macally TuneFan Review (2.1 Speakers/Subwoofer/Cooling) 28 Apr 2011 | 12:04 pm
Now here’s a combo product with few equals. The TuneFan 2.1 from Macally integrates a laptop cooler with a set of stereo speakers AND a subwoofer AND some funky LED lights. It also looks pretty awesom...
A Fanless Laptop Cooler That Keeps Notebooks Up to 11 Degrees Cooler 2 May 2012 | 07:13 am
Lapinator is one of the passive laptop cooler dominating the online markets. Why? In my opinion, it is mainly because of the price. The . Most portable laptop desks cost about $50 to $100. Many people...
Cooler Master Notepal X2 Notebook Cooler R9-NBC-4WAK-GP 29 May 2012 | 04:16 am
Cooler Master Notepal X2 Notebook Cooler R9-NBC-4WAK-GP With efficient functions and superb silent concept in mind, the NotePal X2 creates optimal comfort for laptop users. Either on a desk or on the...
Mac Laptop Cooling Mat 1 Feb 2012 | 03:49 am
In case you have a portable computer, it is important to keep it cool. There are various laptops which have a cooler, but in the majority of the cases, the cooler is not enough in order to prevent the...
No ratings available. Price: $62.99 Product Features: Removable Seam Sealed Wetsuit Bag Insulated Cooler Pocket, Internal Padded Laptop Sleeve Tarp Wax Pocket, Rolling Access Side Pocket, Fleece ...
Aug 2, 2012 Logitech Laptop Cooling Solutions Review - Best Laptop Cooler Reviews 3 Aug 2011 | 09:19 am
Logitech laptop cooling solutions reviewed including the Logitech Lapdesk N700, N550, N500, N315 & N100. What laptop cooling stand is the best?
Thermaltake Massive23 LX Notebook Cooler Review 8 Feb 2012 | 01:22 pm
I’ve had issues with my laptop overheating during gaming sessions. It just had insufficient cooling for the processor and hard drive. So I started looking for a simple solution. The best and easies...