Most curl php get response code related news are at:

How to say “GIF” 3 Jun 2013 | 09:31 pm
Steve Wilhite, inventor of the GIF image file format, accepted a Webby Lifetime Achievement Award this past week. His acceptance “speech” is understated epic-ness. So apparently it really is “Jif,” li...
Display line numbers in WebSVN file detail view 20 Jun 2012 | 09:17 pm
WebSVN is an open source subversion repository browser written in PHP, offering a compelling alternative to the more obtuse ViewVC and the commercial Atlassian Fisheye. By default, WebSVN does not di...
More curl php get response code related news:
bigLoader.gif need to show until full page load 1 Apr 2013 | 11:14 am
Following code show bigLoader.gif loader image show only few second but I need to show it until I get response from pagination_data.php. How can I do it? $(document).ready(function(){ //Display Loadin...
Check Site Loading Speed using CURL curl_getinfo() in PHP. 23 Jun 2009 | 03:06 am
We use curl_getinfo() in to get the information of last transfer that made use of curl functions in PHP. Using the following code we can get the time taken to load a webpage. $ch = curl_init('http://...
Show Google Plus’s – PHP function 19 Jun 2012 | 03:22 pm
Following on from yesterdays function to get likes and share data for a URL here’s a function to get Google Plus’s for any URL. The Code It’s worth pointing out you must have CURL enabled on your we...