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Facebook 24 Jul 2013 | 04:28 pm
Creare cont facebook in anul 2010: Prima aplicatie facebook a fost realizata la sfarsitul anului 2012. Urmaresc sa pastrez o lista de circa 500 de prieteni, i...
Creare site 11 May 2012 | 03:37 am
Realizati un un site ce respecta cerintele de mai jos, folosind o platforma gratuita (ex:, Un exemplu ce contine o parte din aceste elemente il gasiti la adresa web http:...
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TeamViewer 30 May 2012 | 07:24 pm
TeamViewer is an excellent screen-sharing and file-transfer app that can be used to facilitate business collaborations, remotely access a second computer, or help distraught relatives diagnose and cur...
4 Pcs Clip in Synthetic Curly Hair Extensions with 2 Clips – 4 Colors Available 29 Apr 2012 | 04:26 pm
4 Pcs Clip in Artificial Curly Hair Extensions with 2 Clips – 4 Hues Accessible HighlightClip in hair extensions are the simplest method of hair extensions, they are instantaneous and can be fitted a...
Curs CSS - Cascading Style Sheets 29 Dec 2008 | 12:54 am
- Crearea paginilor HTML este un lucru relativ simplu, invatarea etichetelor HTML si crearea unor imagini ducand la realizarea de pagini web de o complexitate medie. Odata cu dezvoltarea internetului,...
4 Pcs Clip in Synthetic Curly Hair Extensions with 2 Clips – 4 Colors Available 29 Apr 2012 | 12:26 pm
4 Pcs Clip in Artificial Curly Hair Extensions with 2 Clips – 4 Hues Accessible HighlightClip in hair extensions are the simplest method of hair extensions, they are instantaneous and can be fitted a...
Disseny de webs accessibles i fàcils d’usar 25 Apr 2013 | 11:13 pm
Professor: Miquel Térmens Graells Durada: 20 hores Contingut del curs Alguns dels continguts que trobareu en aquest curs són: Per què calen webs accessibles i fàcils d’usar a l’escola? L’accessibilita...
Intranet Guidelines 14 Jun 2013 | 01:55 am
Honeywell’s intranet sites provide employees access to tools and applications that drive productivity and collaboration. In order to ensure the content on these intranet sites remains relevant and cur...
Spree Wilson & The Flush – Life in Technicolor Vol. 1. 23 Jun 2013 | 07:14 pm
Belated praise for one of my favorite releases of the year so far. Life in Technicolor Vol. 1 revisits Atlanta bass music with accessible party jams and glowing nostalgia. Even if you only have a curs...
Imagini noi cu carcasa lui iPad Mini 2 ne prezintă designul său în detaliu 26 Aug 2013 | 11:34 pm
În ultimele zile am văzut foarte multe fotografii cu iPhone 5S sau 5C şi parcă am uitat că în curând vom vedea şi o nouă generaţie de iPad şi iPad Mini. Ei bine, sursele care postează de obicei imagin...