Most customers channel of communication related news are at:

Direct Sales – 5 Great Tips on How to Get Those Fall Party Bookings 27 Aug 2013 | 04:02 pm
Yes, I know it’s still officially Summer but it’s time to start thinking about all of your Fall and early Holiday season home parties. That’s right…it’s time! Now that Summer is coming to an end, I wa...
Direct Sales – Preparing Yourself for Your First Home Party 22 Aug 2013 | 04:06 pm
Planning and preparing for your first home party with your new direct sales business can be a very stressful and nervous time. I can assure you that you are not alone with your feelings and that almos...
More customers channel of communication related news:
Do you allow placement targeting on your Adsense Channels? 27 Mar 2010 | 03:23 am
For Adsense publishers out there, today’s question to you is: Do you allow placement targeting on your Adsense Channels? It has been mentioned that by allowing our custom channels to be targeted by ...
Making Sense of Social Media Workshop- April 7th Moncton, New Brunswick 23 Mar 2010 | 05:40 am
Mike has an upcoming 1-day workshop in Moncton, New Brunswick. Not only will Mike be addressing how to open up beneficial channels of communication with your audience via social media, he will also ad...
Augmented Reality: Everything You Need To Know 8 Dec 2011 | 06:22 am
Augmented Reality (AR) is becoming a big deal. It’s maturing from gimmicky games to sophisticated experiences that connect us to the virtual world. AR opens the channels of communication allowing you...
News 18 Jul 2011 | 12:15 am
Header Image: Advanced IMROC™ Multi-Channel MRI Communication System is Featured Siemens Accessory for RSNA 2011 November 2011 Siemens AG has chosen Optoacoustics’ IMROC™ Multi-Channel Communicat....
Amazing Opportunities for Everyone. 2 May 2012 | 09:45 am
Facebook helps everybody to socialize with each other, sharing stories and their life experiences, asking for advices and encouraging each other, as well as building channels of communication with the...
Marketing Monday 14 Dec 2010 | 10:42 am
Every business is looking for ways to get their name out and bring customers in. Well here is a few ideas on how to reach your customers in your community Offer workshops or classes Open houses Bec...
Social Media Guiding Principles 26 Jun 2010 | 03:40 am
Social media should be viewed as a component of your overall marketing strategy, not a separate piece. It is an opportunity to listen to and respond to customer needs while communicating your spa cul...
Face Your Customers On Facebook 29 Dec 2010 | 09:42 pm
Face Your Customers with Facebook Communicating effectively with customers and delivering the right message to the right people has been one of the major challenges for any marketer since day one. Si...
All Your Channels. Zero Communication Overload. 25 Jan 2012 | 07:39 am
We are super excited to share an early design of what Handy Elephant will soon look like with you! Our powerful new app sees the addition of some pretty awesome features (though we say so ourselves!)...
Starting my own hair salon - Part 4 25 Nov 2011 | 07:55 pm
In this four part series, we’re going to have a close look at Starting My Own Hair Salon. Lets start with Marketing аnd Management: In thіѕ industry thе bеѕt channel оf communication is, оf course, ...