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– Professional Military CVs in Civvy-Speak for all Service Leavers and Ex-Forces
By: CVMaster 21 Jan 2012 | 01:38 am
Good morning XXXX, and thanks for your enquiry. We can write your CV for any specific sector you choose, but to achieve maximum effect and give you the best possible chance of success in obtaining an...
By: [Removed for security reasons] 21 Jan 2012 | 12:36 am
Hello, I am currently a WO2 Clerk of Works (Electrical) in the Royal Engineers and considering leaving the army very soon. My experience as a Clerk of Works over the last 12 years has been mainly in ...
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44% van de woningbezitters heeft géén onderhoudscontract voor de CV-ketel 18 Mar 2013 | 11:04 am
Bijna de helft van de Nederlandse huizenbezitters heeft, volgens onderzoek USP marketing consultancy, geen onderhoudscontract voor hun CV-ketel. Dit terwijl het niet regelmatig controleren van een C...