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Disponible la segunda beta de iOS 7 para desarrolladores 25 Jun 2013 | 11:41 pm
Ayer salió la segunda beta de iOS 7 para desarrolladores. Como se esperaba, viene con mejoras en el rendimiento y duración de la batería, así como también en el tema de la fluidez que comentaba en la ...
Un vistazo al nuevo iOS 7 18 Jun 2013 | 12:42 pm
El pasado lunes 10, como ya sabéis, “tito Tim” lanzó el nuevo sistema operativo iOS 7, junto con un buen puñado de novedades entre la que destaca la completamente renovada interfaz gráfica (ver imagen...
More cydia flash ipad related news:
iPad Flash Player 無望!? 8 Feb 2010 | 06:31 am
大家都知道 iPhone OS 一直不支援 Flash, iPad 亦會繼承這個 "傳統" . 從 iPad 的宣傳片中可以看到 iPad browse 網頁時, 中央部份有個 "3D 籃色盒子".... iPhone / iPod Touch 的用家全完明白這代表 iPad 依然沒有 Flash player... Netbook 依然有生存空間 !
Geohot hacks iPad – blackra1n and Cydia on iPad 11 Apr 2010 | 10:08 pm
Within a week of its release, iPad is hacked by the famous iPhone hacker George Hotz. He had a posted picture of hacked iPad running blackra1n (jailbreaking tool) and Cydia. This means that a new vers...
Geohot hacks iPad – blackra1n and Cydia on iPad 11 Apr 2010 | 06:08 pm
Within a week of its release, iPad is hacked by the famous iPhone hacker George Hotz. He had a posted picture of hacked iPad running blackra1n (jailbreaking tool) and Cydia. This means that a new vers...
Solucionar el fallo de apariencia a iPod Touch en el iPad 30 Mar 2011 | 10:18 pm
Instalas cydia, instalas un par de cosillas, reinicias y PUF! iconos pequeños, fallos gráficos en la apariencia y ves como tu iPad se a transformado en un iPod Touch gigante, pero literalmente: Esto ...
Flash wird sterben 22 Apr 2010 | 04:01 am
Adobes Flash-Technologie sorgt nicht zuletzt durch Apples Boykott auf dem iPhone und iPad für heftige Diskussionen. Die Technologie sei veraltet und ein Ressourcen-Fresser, wie Steve Jobs zitiert wird...
Adobe Flash yasağını deliyor 14 Sep 2011 | 08:22 pm
Apple, Adobe ürünlerine aldırış etmemeye ve Flash tabanlı video ve uygulamalara iPhone ve iPad’lere izin vermemeye devam etse de, Adobe’un bu ürününün yeni sürümü iOS’daki Flash yasağını deliyor. Adob...
Support of non flash devices (ipad, iphone, etc.) 5 Jun 2011 | 11:55 pm
Tagul clouds now can be viewed on devices without flash support like ipad, iphone, etc. It is done by delivering SVG instead of flash to such devices. SVG version doesn’t support animation but it look...
How to make video iPad, iPhone and iPod touch compatible with JavaScript, Flowplayer & HTML5 15 May 2010 | 07:00 pm
The iPad, iPod and iPod touch are great way to view video, but Flash video players are not compatible with the device. A great way to solve that problem is through HTML5. This article provides a solut...
Show an alternate image for Adobe Flash Animations to iPhones, iPod Touch and iPads using JavaScript 30 Apr 2010 | 07:00 pm
How to make your Flash animations display an alternate image that can be clickable to a URL when your site is visited by an iPhone, iPod Touch or an iPad.
‘SwipeSelection’ now available on Cydia for iPhone and iPad 6 May 2012 | 09:39 am
SwipeSelection — the jailbreak tweak based on Daniel Hooper’s iPad keyboard editing concept — is now available on Cydia. With SwipeSelection installed, you can move the cursor by swiping a finger acr...