Most cydia store related news are at:

Big Business: LogMeIn + Cubby + 26 Aug 2013 | 02:10 pm
Vor zwei Jahren wählte ich mich regelmäßig über LogMeIn vom iPhone und iPad aus auf meinem Heimrechner ein. Zuletzt übernahm das hippere Screens die Fernwartung. LogMeIn legt auch im Jahr 2013 noch ei...
Microsoft, Google, Apple und eine YouTube-App 23 Aug 2013 | 01:16 pm
Google züchtet aus seinen iOS-Apps ein (nahezu) autonomes System. Mit ersten Sprösslingen, die gegenseitig Logins austauschen und einem blühenden (Web-)Link-Geflecht, das untereinander nur auf sich ve...
More cydia store related news:
ClipboardEdit: Edit iPhone Clipboard From Notification Center 30 Mar 2012 | 06:31 am
There are many tweaks in the Cydia store that might not be useful for all jailbroken iOS users,because there are duplicate apps available with same functions but some might come in handy in specific s...
Cmdtab – Mac Style App Switcher for iOS 27 Mar 2012 | 06:56 am
Seems like these days, the developers at Cydia store are really interested in providing jailbroken iOS users with a lot of handy tweaks and here comes another one by name “CmdTab”. It is a jailbreak t...
Upcoming Siri tweak!! QuickSiri!! 20 Feb 2012 | 02:36 am
There is a new Siri tweak in de make! QuickSiri!! It will launch Siri quicker than normal and in full screen! Soon available in Cydia store. Stay Tuned! Follow the dev on Twitter: @c0redevFollow @L1nd...
comment ajouter une source sur le Cydia Store 29 Apr 2011 | 04:29 am
Vous venez de Jailbreaker votre premier iphone ou iPod Touch, et vous découvrez Cydia pour la première fois, alors ce tutoriel est fais pour vous ! Cydia est un programme pour iPhone OS (iPhone/iPod T...
iPhone Sicherheit aus Sicht eines Entwicklers 7 Jul 2011 | 08:04 pm
Derzeit kursiert durch die Medien die neue Jailbreak-Möglichkeit über den einfachen Aufruf einer Webseite. Dies mag für viele Nutzer des iPhones und des Cydia Stores schön sein, können jetzt wieder Pr...
iPad cydia tweak: SBPhoto 24 Sep 2011 | 07:22 am
iPad fotoğraf uygulamasında bulunan herhangi bir fotoğraf için bir ikon oluşturarak, o ikona dokunduğunuzda doğrudan favori fotoğrafınızın açılmasını ister misiniz? 99 cent'e cydia store'dan s...
RevolveHD iPhone/iPad/iPod Theme 15 Feb 2012 | 09:07 pm
RevolveHD is an amazing theme available in the Cydia Store. Comes complete with lots of icons and optional Custom UI. Compatible with all devices including iPads, iPhones, and iPods, both HD/SD. Pric...
Octopus Keyboard Cydia Tweak – How To Use It 3 Jul 2012 | 11:48 pm
This was anticipated long time ago. The Cydia Store has finally received Octopus Keyboard for iOS. This keyboard is similar to the BlackBerry 10 keyboard on the fruit company’s operating system. The ...
Cydia Store 代购演示流程 4 Jun 2012 | 02:24 am
欢迎亲们来【科普巴士】淘宝店正版插件代购,亲在本店代购的任何插件,都享受Cydia永久升级。参照图文教程操作完毕后,Cydia Store会自动绑定亲的设备序列号。无论亲刷机还是升级固件,都享受永久升级。以后亲刷机还是升级固件,直接在Cydia搜索安装即可!参照图文教程过程中,出现问题,请及时联系我们,我们会为亲解决任何问题的
WS Wallpaper Allows You To Add Scrollable Widescreen Images As Wallpapers 11 Sep 2012 | 11:20 am
Most images are not suited to be used as wallpapers on the iPhone. The screen dimensions are such that you have to manually adjust images to make them fit on the screen. The Cydia store has released a...