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Aplikace Aletenky - levné letenky nyní i pro Windows Phone a BlackBerry 26 Jul 2013 | 03:00 am
Právě jsme pro vás spustili aplikaci na hledání levných letenek také pro Windows Phone a BlackBerry! Aplikace Aletenky – levné letenky je zcela zdarma a nabízí možnost srovnání letenek jak od nízkonák...
Jak dlouho přežijete jako turista s rozpočtem €100? 25 Jun 2013 | 03:36 pm
Chystáte se na dovolenou a pomalu připravujete rozpočet? Koupit levné letenky někdy není ten největší problém, náklady na dovolenou se často navýší zejména po součtu toho, co utratíme přímo na místě z...
More czech connect airlines related news:
25.08.2013 – Sonntag 24 Aug 2013 | 08:29 pm
Hey, Laut HAM Airport kommt... um 16.10 Job Air aus Edinburgh (EDI) (5B Flugnummer => Central Connect Airlines Saab (?)) um 16.15 Danube Wings aus Birmingham (BHX) (müsste ATR sein) um 16.15 Titan Ai...
D’ Solutions Asia 18 Apr 2012 | 07:51 pm
Who we Are ? D solutions-Asia is a leading plateform for a good connectivity and trusted service in airline and travel & Tour industry. An economic ...
Emirates and Jetblue announces codeshare to US cities 22 Apr 2012 | 01:47 am
Seamless connections available at JFK to a dozen U.S. cities Emirates customers travelling to the United States will soon enjoy seamless connections to a dozen Major U.S. cities, after the airline ann...
Jetconnect A new Initiative by Jet airways 9 Nov 2009 | 11:08 pm
Jetconnect is a new initiative launched by Jet airways in mid of May this year 2009. Its a low cost airlines by Jet airways connecting sectors like Mumbai to Bhopal, Mumbai to Mangalore, Chennai to Mu...
We're home 28 Dec 2006 | 03:43 pm
Our flight leaving Kiev on the 24th was very late so we didn't make our connecting flight at JFK. So, the airline put us up for the night and we woke up on our first Christmas morning with the boys in...
on the road again... 19 Feb 2007 | 07:21 pm
Monday, Feb. 19 Dear Friends and Family, It's 6:30 am and we're sitting in the United Airlines Red Carpet Club in Frankfurt. We're awaiting our connecting flight to Kiev. Then... we catch the overnig...
An RTW Trip With A Stop at Ataturk Airport In Istanbul 16 Feb 2010 | 03:27 am
Not only is Ataturk Airport in Istanbul one of the best airports to sleep in, but it is a major airline hub that can connect you to most anywhere in the world. Istanbul has long been a bustling touri...
Senior Air Fare Discounts 7 Mar 2010 | 02:43 pm
Senior air fare discounts can be found on some airlines for several Asian connections. If you are approaching your senior years you can probably still visualize Dennis Hopper waving his arms around as...
Senior Air Fare Discounts 7 Mar 2010 | 02:43 pm
Senior air fare discounts can be found on some airlines for several Asian connections. If you are approaching your senior years you can probably still visualize Dennis Hopper waving his arms around as...
Alicante Airport – Connections for Your Torrevieja Holiday 15 Jan 2011 | 12:30 am
Torrevieja Airport - well better said the airport in Alicante, with its great choice of airlines and international flights, makes it a breeze to get to Torrevieja. Read on to find out about airlines, ...