Most dac pre season football 2011 related news are at:
– Dakota State University Athletics
Dakota State football hosted media on Sunday 26 Aug 2013 | 03:20 am
August 25, 2013 MADISON, S.D. - The Dakota State University football team hosted the Sioux Falls media on Sunday afternoon at DSU Fieldhouse and Trojan Field. It was part of the Trojan Football annu...
Chargers sweep Trojans in three straight sets in season opener 25 Aug 2013 | 09:48 am
August 24, 2013 SIOUX CITY, Iowa - Briar Cliff (Iowa) of Great Plains Athletic Conference (GPAC) outhit Dakota State (S.D.) 50-15 to earn a convincing 3-0 volleyball match victory (25-14, 25-12 and 2...